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Madonna – Love Is On Fire ::: Lyrics

Is like I’m in love with a stranger It’s nothing familiar about your touch And I need a way to make sense of this person I met As a flame that burns t

08-11-2011 02:40 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 06-10-2011
رقم العضوية : 47,022
المشاركات : 2,027
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
Is like I’m in love with a stranger
It’s nothing familiar about your touch
And I need a way to make sense of this person I met
As a flame that burns through my heart.
Oh I, oh I, I never felt such heat in my life
The passion in…
When I move, the floor is on fire
When you stare I’m aware of your desire
When you scream, your voice gets me higher
When we dance our love is on fire!
When I move, the floor is on fire
When you stare I’m aware of your desire
When you scream, your voice gets me higher
When we dance our love is on fire!
I love your energy is perfect chemistry,
Our heart.. cause that’s what you do to me!
Let’s talk more plain, let’s move, embrace
Let your heart get away, oh yeah!
Let’s talk more plain, let’s move, embrace
Let your heart get away, oh yeah!
Let your heart just shine and guide away!
When I move, the floor is on fire
When you stare I’m aware of your desire
When you scream, your voice gets me higher
When we dance our love is on fire!
When I move, the floor is on fire
When you stare I’m aware of your desire
When you scream, your voice gets me higher
When we dance our love is on fire!
Fire, fire!
Aha! Fire!
When I move, the floor is on fire
When you stare I’m aware of your desire
When you scream, your voice gets me higher
When we dance our love is on fire!
When I move, the floor is on fire
When you stare I’m aware of your desire
When you scream, your voice gets me higher
When we dance our love is on fire!
Our love on fire!
Uh, our love on fire!
Our love on fire!
Our love on fire!
Oh, oh, yeah!
Uh, baby!

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