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Slim The Mobster – Back Against The Wall (Ft. Dr. Dre) Lyrics

Yeah guess i was back mother f*cker i’m back yeah Guess i was back mother f*cker i’m backYeah listen Now i’m a ..liek my life depend it on it My kids

08-11-2011 02:40 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 06-10-2011
رقم العضوية : 47,022
المشاركات : 2,027
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
Yeah guess i was back mother f*cker i’m back yeah
Guess i was back mother f*cker i’m back
Yeah listen
Now i’m a ..liek my life depend it on it
My kids and my wife depend it on it
Everything in life i want it i own it
I can keep my feet up and relax if i want it too
But i’m back in the lab making my next murder move
Giving a mother something that going murder too
So they can celebrate when they make it the breaking news
Niggas ..when you’re elevating your making moves
The last change to save game with different moves
Yeah guess i was back mother f*cker i’m back yeah
Guess i was back mother f*cker i’m back
Yeah listen
I’ma do this like my life depend it on it
My kidd and my wife depend it on it
Everything in life i want it i own it
I can keep my feet up and relax if i want it too
But i’m back in the lab making my next murder move
Giving a mother something that going murder too
So they can celebrate when they make it the breaking news
Niggas ..when you’re elevating your making moves
The last change to save game with different rules
Make a nigga cold .. niggas they got it losted
Niggas better be conscious, nigga better be softly
We aint’ taking no losses ..deals ..office ..keep the niggas ..
… shit look what them streets done to me
In a stone cold world i’m living yeh
This is what you want yeah
what you make me
Got shoot to survive will i make it out
Got shoot ..should i burn it down
Back is the wall i’ma get it off
Streets teach no mercy,
look what it created a murderer
Just like the Dj when i turn it up
Back is the wall i’ma get it off
Yeah i’m agte it off like the buzz taking abck to the good
Watch the money ..i’ma certify hustler
And i will go out the ..what you expect oh money ..
I make …playin the .. they crumble
…in ym uncle so ..
She probably never seen before .. and bull bullets
Blew a few hundred thousands ..

look/images/icons/i1.gif Slim The Mobster – Back Against The Wall (Ft. Dr. Dre) Lyrics
  08-11-2011 02:50 مساءً   [1]
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 17-07-2010
رقم العضوية : 41,789
المشاركات : 20,796
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 2,147,483,647
توقيع :مشكلجية ‏JO1R
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Slim The Mobster Ft. Dr. Dre & Sly - Back Against The Wall | From Dre's Album - DETOX Lubna Shreim
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