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Corinne Bailey Rae ::: Like A Star

" Just like a star across my sky, Just like an angel off the page, You have appeared to my life, Feel like Ill never be the same, Just lik

15-02-2008 05:15 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 25-09-2007
رقم العضوية : 1,198
المشاركات : 163
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 1,523
"Like A Star"

Just like a star across my sky,
Just like an angel off the page,
You have appeared to my life,
Feel like Ill never be the same,
Just like a song in my heart,
Just like oil on my hands,
Honour to love you

Still I wonder why it is,
I dont argue like this,
With anyone but you,
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind,

Youve got this look I cant describe,
You make me feel like Im alive,
When everything else is au fait,
Without a doubt youre on my side,
Heaven has been away too long,
Cant find the words to write this song,
Your love,

Still I wonder why it is,
I dont argue like this,
With anyone but you,
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind,

Now I have come to understand,
The way it is,
Its not a secret anymore,
cause weve been through that before,
From tonight I know that youre the only one,
Ive been confused and in the dark,
Now I understand,

I wonder why it is,
I dont argue like this,
With anyone but you,
I wonder why it is,
I wont let my guard down,
For anyone but you
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind,

Just like a star across my sky,
Just like an angel off the page,
You have appeared to my life,
Feel like Ill never be the same,
Just like a song in my heart,
Just like oil on my hands
توقيع :Carly

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Corinne Bailey Rae ::: Like A Star > mp3 + video Carly
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