أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم في JO1R FORUM | منتديات شباب و صبايا الأردن، لكي تتمكن من المشاركة ومشاهدة جميع أقسام المنتدى وكافة الميزات ، يجب عليك إنشاء حساب جديد بالتسجيل بالضغط هنا أو تسجيل الدخول اضغط هنا إذا كنت عضواً .

احلى ما سمعت لavril Lavigne

من الاغاني العاطفية لافريل لافين اسمعها واحكي رأيك الاولىinnocenceوكلماتها:Waking up I see that everything is ok The first time in my life and now

03-01-2008 09:25 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 23-10-2007
رقم العضوية : 1,586
المشاركات : 82
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
من الاغاني العاطفية لافريل لافين
اسمعها واحكي رأيك
الاولىinnocenceوكلماتها:Waking up I see that everything is ok
The first time in my life and now its so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great

I wouldnt change a thing about it
This is the best feeling

This innocence is brilliance
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please dont go away
I need you now
And Ill hold on to it
Dont you let it pass you by

I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now its so clear
Feel calm, I belong, Im so happy here
Its so strong and now I let myself be sincere

I wouldnt change a thing about it
This is the best feeling


Its a state of bliss, you think youre dreaming
Its the happiness inside that youre feeling
Its so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
Its a state of bliss, you think youre dreaming
Its the happiness inside that youre feeling
Its so beautiful it makes you wanna cry

Its so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
This innocence is brilliance
Makes you wanna cry
This innocence is brilliance
Please dont go away
Cus I need you now
And Ill hold on to it
Dont you let it pass you by

والثانية runaway وكلماتها:
Got up on the wrong side of life today, yeah
Crash the car and Im gonna be really late
My phone doesnt work cus its out of range
Looks like its just one of those kind of days

You cant kick me down Im already on the ground
No you cant, but you couldnt catch me anyhow
Blue skies, but the sun isnt coming out, no
Today is like Im under a heavy cloud

And I feel so alive
I cant help myself
Dont you realize

I just wanna scream and lose control
Throw my hands up and let it go
Forget about everything and run away, yeah
I just wanna fall and lose myself
Laughing so hard it hurts like hell
Forget about everything and run away, yeah

So-sos how Im doing, if youre wondering
Im in a fight with the world but Im winning
Stay there, come closer its at your own risk
Yeah you know how it is life can be a bitch

And I feel so alive
I cant help myself
Dont you realize

,والاغنيتين من البومها الاخير girlfreind
,وانتظروا المزيد

اضافة رد جديد اضافة موضوع جديد

المواضيع المتشابهه
عنوان الموضوع الكاتب الردود الزوار آخر رد
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لا يوجد كلمات دلالية ..

الساعة الآن 12:14 PM