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Win a Copy of DigiSeller, Our New Script!

Do you love to build things? I know I do. It can be a web app, template, PSD, a PHP script, or even an ebook. Sooner or later, an idea comes to your

25-03-2012 11:27 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 08-07-2007
رقم العضوية : 27
المشاركات : 3,191
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 3,799
Do you love to build things? I know I do. It can be a web app, template, PSD, a PHP script, or even an ebook. Sooner or later, an idea comes to your mind – you can turn your love for building things into an extra revenue stream. But I have bad news for you.

Selling online sucks

You have a choice – join a marketplace or do it yourself. Doing it yourself clearly has a lot of benefits – you can choose your own pricing, design your shop, and keep all of your profits. But the bad thing is that you have to deal with heavy and archaic CMS systems that are a nightmare to customize, or join an equally unfriendly platform for a monthly fee.

I was looking for a solution that was quick to set up, easy to customize, and lightweight. I wanted something that I could throw on a domain and have a working microsite with PayPal integration. I couldn’t find one, so I built it myself.

Introducing DigiSeller

DigiSeller is a PHP+MySQL script for setting up a digital shop. It has full PayPal integration and helps you sell a digital item securely. You only need to upload it to your hosting space along with your product in a zip file, add your PayPal email address to the config file, and start selling!

digiseller-php-webshop-scriptDigiSeller - PHP Webshop Script

Notable Features:

  • Everything is controlled from a config file – no cumbersome admin panel that will only be used once;
  • It has semantic HTML5 markup, with a pretty design that is easy to customize with CSS;
  • Has a straightforward integration with PayPal – you only need to add the email on which you wish to receive payments;
  • Buyers receive a download link after the purchase. This is the only way to download your file. The link expires after a set period of time;
  • DigiSeller can collect email addresses for your newsletter and has a built-in contact form;
  • You get readable and well commented source code along with PSDs, so you can change everything;
  • You can use the script on unlimited domains and set it up for your clients.
Win a copy!

Three of you will have a chance to win a copy of the script for free. To participate, do the following:

  • Leave a comment under the post;
  • Tweet about this article.
The winners will be announced on March 20 in a follow-up post.

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