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Win a copy of the iPhorm WordPress plugin!

WordPress is undoubtedly the most popular CMS in the world. It is used for so much more than the authors initially envisioned. With all of its wonde

25-03-2012 11:27 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 08-07-2007
رقم العضوية : 27
المشاركات : 3,191
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 3,799
WordPress is undoubtedly the most popular CMS in the world. It is used for so much more than the authors initially envisioned. With all of its wonderful features and incredible plugins, you can build anything – from a personal blog to a fully-fledged online shop.

With the holidays right around the corner, we decided to give away two copies of the iPhorm plugin which will help you create forms for your website with an easy to use drag-and-drop builder directly from WordPress.

620-300-for-tutorialzineThe iPhorm Plugin

iPhorm is a WordPress plugin that makes building forms easy with elements that include email address, date and time, file uploads and many more. The form submissions are received as emails or directly in your dashboard. Designers have full control on how the forms looks, and for everybody else, two themes are provided. For a live demo, see here.

How to Win

For a chance to win a copy of the plugin, do the following:

  • Leave a comment below this article;
  • Tweet it.
The winners will be announced on January 5th 2012.

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توقيع :امير النور

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عنوان الموضوع الكاتب الردود الزوار آخر رد
iPhorm Plugin Winners امير النور
0 469 امير النور

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الساعة الآن 06:02 PM