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Future – Deeper Than The Ocean Lyrics

scooter the coolest dj in the world g for global yea we globing now foreveri put spicer in my date and i strapped her with the rental her chasing afte

18-01-2012 01:30 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 06-10-2011
رقم العضوية : 47,022
المشاركات : 2,027
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
the coolest dj in the world
g for global
yea we globing now
foreveri put spicer in my date
and i strapped her with the rental
her chasing after paper
i became a savage
a nigger set my nigger up
and game is full of madness
sometimes i want to get beside the escalator crashing
our pain running deeper than the ocean
our pain running deeper than the ocean
our pain running deeper than the ocean
pain running deeper than the ocean love jacks
no more silo
i’m spiked up like a bad drink
9 to 3
that good supreme
where all the scissile
boy guillotine
i work hard and it came out
our turf up
turn the bitch off
then i work through dead broke
to land up in a penthouse
there are no secret
when you leaking
i woke up the evening
and i seen the dim vie
i’m on that prickle danger
trying to clear my thoughts
nigger mown for my pain
all they see is fame
and with it brain
i paid dues
graduated from finesse schools
i sold and proved
i never lose
i’m too smart
i should have win the hard one
drinking at the border
holding maseratti i put spicer in my date
and i strapped her with the rental
her chasing after paper
i became a savage
a nigger set my nigger up
and game is full of madness
sometimes i want to get beside the escalator crashing
our pain running deeper than the ocean
our pain running deeper than the ocean
our pain running deeper than the ocean
pain running deeper than the ocean take her clear draws that one time
like a one time
hey you niggers start hating on future
for one time
i commit a million crime
that ain’t enough for you
i’m a sing a million rhyme
all the shit i’ve been through
i was grinding hard
niggers trying to hold me back
they want to see what we can pluck
they want to see what we sack
i got it though
it worked out
i kept the lawyer
i sits den as
with no royal
niggers try to chase paper
then you got to take the slider screen up
till we get screaming
i can sleep right
then they put a hit on your head
then you walk around with a price
million ain’t way what you see
i put spicer in my date
and i strapped her with the rental
her chasing after paper
i became a savage
a nigger set my nigger up
and game is full of madness
sometimes i want to get beside the escalator crashing
our pain running deeper than the ocean
our pain running deeper than the ocean
our pain running deeper than the ocean
pain running deeper than the ocean

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