السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اريد حل هذا السؤال بلغة سي .. c language
-1 When the program run the following menu should be displayed
Enter :1 calculation in tow number
2- calculation in one number
3 -Exit
Enter your choice
2- the user should numbers from 1,2 or 3 enter to our calculation
3- if he choose 1:Calculation in two number menu should be displayed that should include:
1- add (+) tow numbers
2-Subtraction (-) tow number
3- Division ()tow number3
4-Mod (%)tow number
5-Multiply (*)tow number
6-Exite if he wants to exit
If he enter 1 the program should add the tow integer and display the result and so on
After every step ,the program should ask user if he want to continue or press 6 to exit !
If he wants to continue the program should ask him (Enter your choice)
If he dose not want to continue the program should ask him if he want to exit from all program if he enter 3, he will exit