أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم في JO1R FORUM | منتديات شباب و صبايا الأردن، لكي تتمكن من المشاركة ومشاهدة جميع أقسام المنتدى وكافة الميزات ، يجب عليك إنشاء حساب جديد بالتسجيل بالضغط هنا أو تسجيل الدخول اضغط هنا إذا كنت عضواً .

Tank Next Breath Lyrics

As I pour this glass of wine I hope it helps me express these thoughts much no I dont think Ive ever felt the way I felt for you girl So Im turning

04-01-2012 05:00 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 06-10-2011
رقم العضوية : 47,022
المشاركات : 2,027
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
As I pour this glass of wine
I hope it helps me express these thoughts much no
I dont think Ive ever felt the way I felt for you girl
So Im turning these lights down and Im telling you right now

I dont think Ive never ever really told you how much I need you girl
I need you more than my next breath
Never would I ever leave you cause darling I need you
I need you more than my next breath.
I need

Im sorry for the times that I stressed you out
And Im thankful for the times you aint put me out your house
(Yeah oh)
I fell in love more than once but every single time it was with you girl (you) (oh)

I dont think Ive never ever really told you how much I need you girl
I need you more than my next breath never would I ever leave you cause darling I need you
I need you more than my next breath.

This is the part where we slow it down
Make love to your mind its ok you can think out loud (no)
Its four in the morning and Im pouring out my heart
Girl so much to say I dont know where to start girl oh
(Oh yeah)

I dont think Ive never ever really told you how much I need you girl
I need you more than my next breath never would I ever leave you cause darling I need you
I need you more than my next breath

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المواضيع المتشابهه
عنوان الموضوع الكاتب الردود الزوار آخر رد
Tank – Next Breath From Upcoming Album 2012 Lubna Shreim
0 209 Lubna Shreim

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