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•----( The Weeknd - Discography )----•

The Weeknd is one of my favorite singers he became a star since his first album was released his voice has the capability to deliver the messageb

22-12-2011 02:20 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 06-10-2011
رقم العضوية : 47,022
المشاركات : 2,027
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
The Weeknd is one of my favorite singers
he became a star since his first album was
released his voice has the capability to deliver
the messagebefore the actual lyrics


Real Name: Abel Tesfaye
Age: 21
Nickname: The-Weeknd
Nationality: Canada - Ontario
Site: The-weeknd.com:
Social networking via

Discography: First Mixtape It was released in March-2011House of Balloons



1."High for This"4:092."What You Need"3:263."House of Balloons/Glass Table Girls"6:474."The Morning"5:145."Wicked Games"5:256."The Party & The After Party"7:407."Coming Down"4:558."Loft Music"6:039."The Knowing"5:57

To download House of Balloons click here

Second Mixtape Was released in August-2011Thursday



1."Lonely Star" 5:492."Life of the Party" 4:573."Thursday" 5:204."The Zone" (featuring Drake)6:585."The Birds Part 1" 3:346."The Birds Part 2" 5:517."Gone" 8:068."Rolling Stone" 3:519."Heaven or Las Vegas" 5:57

To download Thursday click here

The third mixtapeWas released in December-2012Echoes of Silence



1.D.D.4:342."Montreal" 4:113."Outside" 4:194."XO / The Host" 7:245."Initiation" 4:216."Same Old Song" 5:127."The Fall"produced by Clams Casino5:468."Next" 6:029."Echoes of Silence" 4:00

To download Echoes of Silence click here

I personally like all his song and style. Something"
.different and mysterious will always be welcomed". ~selF


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