أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم في JO1R FORUM | منتديات شباب و صبايا الأردن، لكي تتمكن من المشاركة ومشاهدة جميع أقسام المنتدى وكافة الميزات ، يجب عليك إنشاء حساب جديد بالتسجيل بالضغط هنا أو تسجيل الدخول اضغط هنا إذا كنت عضواً .

{ التغطية المصورة } $ ريـال مدريـد V.s أيـاكـس أمستردام $ { دوري أبطال أوروبا }

الــــســـلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته الفريقين : أياكس VS ريال مدريد . المناسبه : الجوله السادسة من دوري أبطال أوروبا . تاريخ اللقاء : الأربعاء7

08-12-2011 07:12 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 06-10-2011
رقم العضوية : 47,027
المشاركات : 1,524
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
[SIZE=4][SIZE=6][SIZE=4][COLOR=navy][SIZE=4][COLOR=navy][SIZE=4][COLOR=navy][SIZE=4][COLOR=navy][SIZE=4][COLOR=navy][SIZE=4][COLOR=navy][SIZE=4][COLOR=navy][SIZE=4][COLOR=navy][SIZE=4][COLOR=navy][SIZE=4][COLOR=navy][SIZE=4][COLOR=navy][SIZE=4][COLOR=navy][SIZE=5][COLOR=#000080]الــــســـلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


الفريقين : أياكس VS ريال مدريد .
المناسبه : الجوله السادسة من دوري أبطال أوروبا .

[SIZE=4]تاريخ اللقاء : الأربعاء7 / 12 / 2011 .[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]موعد اللقاء : الساعه 45 : 22 بتوقيت مكة المكرمة الساعه 45 : 19 بتوقيت غرينتش .[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]حكم اللقاء : مانويل دي سوزا .[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]ملعب اللقاء : ملعب أمستردام إرينا.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]القناة الناقله : الجزيرة الرياضية 911111118 . 821759591 .[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]معلق اللقاء : حفيظ درآجـي .

[/SIZE]{ التغطية المصورة } $ ريـال مدريـد V.s أيـاكـس أمستردام $ { دوري أبطال أوروبا }












SlideShow.ashx?role=preview&isdt=2011-12-07T19:30:05GMT&id=751582d27491a31b000f6a7067009920&fmt=jpg&wm=2&cap=<font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> coach Jose Mourinho%2c right talks to <font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> player Esteban Granero%2c left%2c prior to the group D Champions League soccer match between <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> and <font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> at ArenA stadium in Amsterdam%2c Netherlands%2c Wednesday%2c Dec. 7%2c 2011

SlideShow.ashx?role=preview&isdt=2011-12-07T19:33:28GMT&id=8ba0cfba7494a31b000f6a7067002efc&fmt=jpg&wm=2&cap=<font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> coach Jose Mourinho%2c right talks to <font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> player Esteban Granero%2c left%2c prior to the group D Champions League soccer match between <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> and <font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> at ArenA stadium in Amsterdam%2c Netherlands%2c Wednesday%2c Dec. 7%2c 2011

SlideShow.ashx?role=preview&isdt=2011-12-07T20:10:11GMT&id=26a37d4474b6a41b000f6a706700ddf3&fmt=jpg&wm=2&cap=<font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> player Jose Callejon%2c left%2c points skywards after scoring 1-0 during the group D Champions League soccer match between <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> and <font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> at ArenA stadium in Amsterdam%2c Netherlands%2c Wednesday%2c Dec. 7%2c 2011

SlideShow.ashx?role=preview&isdt=2011-12-07T20:08:25GMT&id=8b55f07174b4a41b000f6a7067006e54&fmt=jpg&wm=2&cap=<font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> player Jose Callejon%2c center%2c points skywards after scoring 1-0 during the group D Champions League soccer match between <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> and <font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> at ArenA stadium in Amsterdam%2c Netherlands%2c Wednesday%2c Dec. 7%2c 2011

SlideShow.ashx?role=preview&isdt=2011-12-07T20:41:51GMT&id=2754da3574d3a41b000f6a7067005310&fmt=jpg&wm=2&cap=<font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> goalkeeper Antonio Adan fails to stop a shot on goal by <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> player Vurnon Anita during the group D Champions League soccer match between <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> and <font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> at ArenA stadium in Amsterdam%2c Netherlands%2c Wednesday%2c Dec. 7%2c 2011. Referee Manuel de Sousa of Portugal cancelled the goa

SlideShow.ashx?role=preview&isdt=2011-12-07T20:45:04GMT&id=18b6244174d6a41b000f6a706700a94f&fmt=jpg&wm=2&cap=Referee Manuel de Sousa of Portugal cancels a goal after a shot by <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> player Vurnon Anita during the group D Champions League soccer match between <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> and <font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> at ArenA stadium in Amsterdam%2c Netherlands%2c Wednesday%2c Dec. 7%2c 2011

SlideShow.ashx?role=preview&isdt=2011-12-07T20:46:36GMT&id=7e3fad5574d7a41b000f6a706700ef55&fmt=jpg&wm=2&cap=<font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> player Gonzalo Higuain celebrates his goal against <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> during the group D Champions League soccer match between <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> and <font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> at ArenA stadium in Amsterdam%2c Netherlands%2c Wednesday%2c Dec. 7%2c 2011

SlideShow.ashx?role=preview&isdt=2011-12-07T20:46:38GMT&id=86893ce774d7a41b000f6a7067008a75&fmt=jpg&wm=2&cap=<font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> player Gonzalo Higuain celebrates his goal against <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> during the group D Champions League soccer match between <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> and <font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> at ArenA stadium in Amsterdam%2c Netherlands%2c Wednesday%2c Dec. 7%2c 2011

SlideShow.ashx?role=preview&isdt=2011-12-07T20:47:14GMT&id=134a454974d8a41b000f6a7067008214&fmt=jpg&wm=2&cap=<font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> player Gonzalo Higuain%2c left%2c celebrates his goal against <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> with <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> goalkeeper Kenneth Vermeer center and defender Daley Blind%2c right during the group D Champions League soccer match between <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> and <font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> at ArenA stadium in Amsterdam%2c Netherlands%2c Wednesday%2c Dec. 7%2c 2011


SlideShow.ashx?role=preview&isdt=2011-12-07T20:47:18GMT&id=22daba3974d8a41b000f6a706700d768&fmt=jpg&wm=2&cap=<font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> player Gonzalo Higuain celebrates his goal against <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> during the group D Champions League soccer match between <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> and <font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> at ArenA stadium in Amsterdam%2c Netherlands%2c Wednesday%2c Dec. 7%2c 2011

SlideShow.ashx?role=preview&isdt=2011-12-07T19:34:06GMT&id=2016e3107495a31b000f6a7067001980&fmt=jpg&wm=2&cap=<font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> coach Jose Mourinho%2c center%2c watches his goalkeepers warm up prior to the group D Champions League soccer match between <font color%3dred>Ajax<%2ffont> and <font color%3dred>Real<%2ffont> <font color%3dred>Madrid<%2ffont> at ArenA stadium in Amsterdam%2c Netherlands%2c Wednesday%2c Dec. 7%2c 2011








Have Fun

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