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برنامج معرفة الرصيد

برنامج Avis Touch Balance v.1.1.9 S60v5 لعرض رصيدك بعد كل مكالمه او ارسال رسالة Touch Balance - a small program that allows you to always

29-11-2011 11:24 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 28-11-2011
رقم العضوية : 47,896
المشاركات : 7
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50

برنامج Avis Touch Balance v.1.1.9 S60v5 لعرض رصيدك بعد كل مكالمه او ارسال رسالة

Touch Balance - a small program that allows you to always be aware of the balance of your mobiles account. The program receives data on your balance at the mobile operator for sending a USSD-request and displays the amount on your desktop smartphone.

Key features:
» auto-balance inquiry after making an outgoing call;
» auto-balance inquiry after sending the SMS / MMS;
» auto-balance inquiry timer;
» startup;
» custom Number USSD-request;
» setting output to the desktop it (opening remarks, outgoing, update time, the difference with the last update);
» a test compatibility with Handy Shell;
» keeping the history of queries in format CSV.
Changes in version:
» mainly current bug-fixes;
» fixes decoding of complex USSD-response;
» small fixes work with calendar;
» disabled checking of the zero balance changes (perhaps later will be optional);
» test fix the green button (by the method described above);
» another fix so that the balance had not been requested after the break WiFi;
» still two versions of the installation file from logging and without (TouchBalance_v1.1.9_log.sis - is error log).
[!] Before installing this version, it is imperative to remove the previous
File must sign or install on a smartphone with a full open access

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