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: حد يعرف المجلة دي Mura CMS ومواقع شركات بتستخدمها

السلام عليكم عندي سؤال لاني بحثت عنة ما لقيت اي رد حد يعرف ملجة Mura CMS :tears::tears::tears: ومثال حي للمجلة أفــراد وادي موقع تانى مثال Home | Over

18-11-2011 05:50 صباحاً
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عندي سؤال لاني بحثت عنة ما لقيت اي رد

حد يعرف ملجة Mura CMS :tears::tears::tears:

ومثال حي للمجلة

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مفيش حد يجي يقولى برمجة خاصة

لاني اتأكت ان دي مجلة

ومعايا استايل موقع فوادافون كامل:shiny01::shiny01:

نيجي للمهم

دي موقع المجلة
Mura CMS - Open Source ColdFusion CMS - Free to download and use
بس المشكلة فى تركيب المجلة:strongly::strongly:

وادي طريقة تثبيت المجلة

رمز PHP:
- Must have ColdFusion, Railo or OpenBD installed
- Access to a MySQL 4+, Microsoft SQL 2000+ or Oracle 10g+ database server and the ability to add a new database
- Ability to add a Datasource to ColdFusion, Railo or OpenBD Administrator

1. Put the contents of your Mura Standard download into your webroot
(the directory where your site will live). This includes the following directories and files: admin, config, default, plugins, requirements, tasks, Application.cfc, contentServer.cfm, index.cfm, MuraProxy.cfm.

2. Create a database.

3. Create a Data Source Name (DSN) in your Coldfusion, Railo or OpenBD administrator connecting to the database you created in the step above.

4. Browse to the url where your Mura site is installed and complete the form using the information created above.

5. Once youve successfully set up Mura, click the "Finish Set UP and Take Me to the Mura Admin" button. Keep in mind that once you do this, the Mura Set Up page will no longer be available for security reasons. If you need to change any settings in the future, they will need to be made directly in "/config/settings.ini.cfm".

6. Login to the Mura admin using the default username of "admin" and default password of "admin". It is highly recommended you change this immediately by editing your profile upon login.

7. Select "Edit Current Site" under the "Site Settings" menu located in the top right hand area of your window and enter the URL for your install.

8. If you would like to send scheduled emails or have scheduled content when caching is turned on you must change the "Ping" attribute in the configsetting.ini.cfm to 1. On start up, Mura will attempt to create a scheduled task to check for event reminders, scheduled emails and to flush cache for scheduled content. THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR SHARED HOSTING ENVIRONMENTS.

9. You
re done installing Mura. Enjoy!

If you have any questions regarding installation, please visit our Support Forum at http://www.getmura.com/forum.

If you would like to submit a bug, please visit https://github.com/blueriver/MuraCMS/issues.

وادي صفحة التحميل

Mura CMS - Mura Downloads

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الساعة الآن 02:37 PM