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Flo-Rida - Parapapa Lyrics

Yeah, aha give it all you got to make sense, we pump it I’m so blessed with the music love it We gotta dance all night, no question ..it’s so importan

15-11-2011 01:20 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 06-10-2011
رقم العضوية : 47,022
المشاركات : 2,027
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
Yeah, aha give it all you got to make sense, we pump it
I’m so blessed with the music love it
We gotta dance all night, no question
..it’s so important on
For the party comes to the roof
Shawty don’t stop on the DJ roof
Baby it’s four blocks, let go, get lose
For em to get make hot, just make a move!
Celebrate, we don’t hesitate
It’s plenty girls in the park, don’t regulate
To the right, to the left that I make you shake
ParapapaWhat a…
How I like your body, body
Make me so naughty, naughty
When I stretch you like Pilates
Hey shawty!
Parapapa papa pa parapapa [x4]Let’s get this party rocking now,
Show you how to do it when…
Get it backed up with a brand new sound
I know how to make the room get extra crowd, extra crowd!
Run this town, better.. this ship…
I’ll be your life guard, it’s ok..
…just in case!
Rose …you have to get your groove on, no shoes on
That’s why you gotta do it when the world got a new song
Wait too strong, …too long
From the…
Got up to date feel like a rock star
I’m.. the place, shawty like a guitar
…I know!
Parapapa papa pa parapapa [x4]

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Flo Rida - Parapapa | New Single | 2011 Lubna Shreim
0 228 Lubna Shreim

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