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Graveworm – Biography - Discography

Graveworm ملف مرفق 121080 - ملف مرفق 121081 - Biography Graveworm is a melodic black metal band with extremely heavy influences from gothic metal, doo

14-11-2011 09:50 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 06-10-2011
رقم العضوية : 47,022
المشاركات : 2,027
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
ملف مرفق 121080
ملف مرفق 121081

Graveworm is a melodic black metal band with extremely heavy influences from gothic metal, doom metal, on older albums and death metal on two newer ones
Originating from Bruneck, Italy, they formed in 1992. Even before Graveworm released any demo they got signed by Serenades Records
who saw a show of the band close to their hometown Brunico

Graveworm was signed by Serenades Records in 1997, releasing their first EP,
Eternal Winds
in that same year. During their first tour together with Crematory, Therion and Lake of Tears
the band promoted the album
When Daylights Gone

In 1998, the EP
Underneath the Crescent Moon was released
featuring Sarah Jezebel Deva (Cradle of Filth, Therion) in the track Awake...Thy Angels Of Sorrow

Graveworm also performed at the Wacken Open Air (Germany) with bands such as Children of Bodom, Cradle of Filth and Vader
The second album
As the Angels Reach the Beauty was finished in 1999, and followed by a European tour with Agathodaimon

Scourge of Malice was released in 2001, which allowed the band their first headliner tour together with Dornenreich, Vintersorg and Darkwell
In 2002, they changed to the German Nuclear Blast label
At this point, Didi Schraffel (bass) left the band and Harry Klenk (guitars) was replaced by Eric Treffel
Treffel soon left the band in the same year and was replaced by Eric Righi on guitar

Together with Righi, they produced
Engraved in Black, which was finished in 2003, and enhanced with a feature of R.E.M.s Losing My Religion
Shortly after the release, Stefan Unterpertinger (guitar) quit and Lukas Flarer joined the band
Also, Harry Klenk, former guitarist and now bassist, re-joined the band

In 2004, Graveworm played on the X-Mass Festival tour together with Destruction, Kataklysm, and many others
Martin Innerbichler (drums) took a break to study and was temporarily replaced by Moritz Neuner, previously the Darkwell and Shadowcast drummer
The album
(N)utopia was released in 2005. shows the band in a more midtempo way but with some hits like Never enough and Hateful design
which became classics in their live shows
Lukas Flarer (guitarist) has left the band for personal reasons and been replaced with Orgler "Stirz" Thomas

In 2006, Graveworm embarked on a North American tour with Kataklysm, Destruction, The Absence, and Vader
On April 10, 2007, the promo of the
Collateral Defect album leaked on the web
The album was launched in Europe on May 25 via Massacre Records and June 5 in North America through Nuclear Blast
It was produced by Andy Classen at Stage One studios in Borgentreich, Germany
Collateral Defect shows the band in a new way, with some modern influences due to the fact of a new songwriter
Again this album contained a cover song, this time was a classic one from the 80s Bonny Tyler I need a hero

The album
Diabolical Figures in 2009, became an even heavier and more intense record, compared to the band previous ones
but still with all typical Graveworm trademarks

Once again Graveworm did another cover-version, this time Message in a bottle of the 80’s pop act Police
which might turn out to be a club-hit all over the world

Finally with
Fragments of Death, Graveworm are back on the way to the top
Background information

Origin: Bruneck, Italy

Genres: Symphonic Black Metal / Extreme Gothic Metal
Years active: 1992 - Present
Labels: Serenades Records, Last Episode, Napalm Records, Nuclear Blast, Massacre Records
Band members

ملف مرفق 121082
Stefan Fiori - Vocals
ملف مرفق 121083
Sabine Mair - Keyboards
ملف مرفق 121084
Eric Righi - Guitar
ملف مرفق 121085
Thomas (Stirz) Orgler - Guitar
ملف مرفق 121086
Harry Klenk - Bass
ملف مرفق 121087
Martin Innerbichler - Drums


Studio albums: 8
When Daylights Gone

As the Angels Reach the Beauty

Scourge of Malice

Engraved in Black


Collateral Defect

Diabolical Figures

Fragments of Death

Other releases: 2
Eternal Winds

Underneath the Crescent Moon

to be continued...

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