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Justin Bieber - Mistletoe Lyrics

It’s the most beautiful time of the year Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer I should be playing in the winter snow But Imma be under the

07-11-2011 09:10 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 06-10-2011
رقم العضوية : 47,022
المشاركات : 2,027
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
[Justin Bieber]
It’s the most beautiful time of the year
Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer
I should be playing in the winter snow
But Imma be under the mistletoe
I don’t want to miss out on the holiday
But I can’t stop staring at your face
I should be playing in the winter snow
But I’mma be under the mistletoe
With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe
Everyones gathering around the fire
Chestnuts roasting like a hot July
I should be chillin with my folks, I know
But I’mma be under the mistletoe
Word on the street santas coming tonight,
Reindeers flying in the sky so high
I should be making a list I know
But I’mma be under the mistletoe
With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe
With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe
Eh, love, the wise men followed the star
The way I follow my heart
And it led me to a miracle
Eh love, dont you buy me nothing
I am feeling one thing, your lips on my lips
Thats a very, merry Christmas
It’s the most beautiful time of the year
Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer
I should be playing in the winter snow
But Imma be under the mistletoe
I don’t want to miss out on the holiday
But I can’t stop staring at your face
I should be playing in the winter snow
But I’mma be under the mistletoe
With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
With you under the mistletoe
With you, shawty with you
With you, shawty with you
Shawty with you, under the mistletoe
Kiss me underneath the mistletoe
Show me baby that you love me so-oh-oh
Oh, oh ,ohhh
Kiss me underneath the mistletoe,
Show me baby that you love me so-oh-oh
Oh, oh ,ohhh

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