أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم في JO1R FORUM | منتديات شباب و صبايا الأردن، لكي تتمكن من المشاركة ومشاهدة جميع أقسام المنتدى وكافة الميزات ، يجب عليك إنشاء حساب جديد بالتسجيل بالضغط هنا أو تسجيل الدخول اضغط هنا إذا كنت عضواً .

August Burns Red - Leveler // Metal Album // 2011

يابه جبناها ع الشناعه تره اني هم شنيع :d هلوو شباب , شونكمشون الصحه انشالله بخير اليوم نقدملكم البوم متل 2011 هستوه طالع من الشسمه وماعرف حيعجبكم

01-11-2011 01:54 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 06-10-2011
رقم العضوية : 47,022
المشاركات : 2,027
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50

يابه جبناها ع الشناعه تره اني هم شنيع :d

هلوو شباب , شونكم .. شون الصحه

انشالله بخير

اليوم نقدملكم البوم متل 2011 هستوه طالع من الشسمه

وماعرف حيعجبكم لو لا لأن اني اختصاصي مو متل RAP !

بس هيج شفته بموقع وعجبني انزله .. وإنشالله يعجبكم ~


Infos From Wiki

August Burns Red is an American metal band, from Manheim, Pennsylvania. Formed in 2003, the group began their first performances while a majority of the members were attending their senior year of high school, and soon began playing shows around Lancaster, before being signed to CI Records, and afterward, Solid State. The band claims that their name is inspired by an incident involving their first vocalist, Jon Hershey.

Musical style

August Burns Red is generally credited as a metalcore band and have also been said to share traits of other genres such as progressive metal,and thrash metal.August Burns Red songs frequently feature technical or odd time signatures and heavy breakdowns, with a variety of influences including Meshuggah, Between the Buried and Me,Poison the Well, Symphony in Peril and Misery Signals.
While the group have stated that they dont mind being classified as metalcore, Brubaker has grown to a distaste in the genres usual bands: "I feel like anyone who can pick up and play a guitar and learn to play a metalcore riff and any drummer who can learn to play a thrash beat over a breakdown is doing it. Its almost become very formulaic, and metal to me was never a formulaic genre."

Band name

The group explained the origin of the bands name revolves around an incident involving the groups founding vocalist, Jon Hershey:“We had our name because in high school, one of our best friends, Jon Hershey, was also our vocalist at the time. But, right before he joined the band, he was dating this girl named August. The relationship got a bit out of hand, and he really wanted to end it. So, he ended the relationship and instead of just getting sad about it, she got really, really, really angry, and Jon at the time had a dog named Redd. It was an Irish Setter and it had red fur and everything. So, she got really mad, went up to his house, and burned his dog Redd alive, in his dog house. The name and everything comes from, because the next day, the headline of the newspaper in the local news was August Burns Red, and then we just kind of went with it. It really affected Jon, so when we were picking a band name, that was one that stuck in his head, so he decided to use it. So, our name doesn’t mean anything, it just had a really weird and kind of gross meaning.”

( صوره للأخ المادري شسمه )


هسه نجي ع الالبوم






Released - June 21, 2011
Metalcore, Progressive Metal - Genre
Length - 48:04
Solid State - Lable
Recorded - February 14 – March 16, 2011



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Cutting The Ties


Carpe Diem

40 Nights

Salt & Light

Poor Millionaire


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