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حمل لعبة Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Edition

حمل لعبة Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Edition السلام عليكم الان وحصريا على منتدانا الغالى حمل لعبة Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Edition

31-10-2011 11:00 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,086
المشاركات : 3,000
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 60
حمل لعبة Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Edition

السلام عليكم

الان وحصريا على منتدانا الغالى
حمل لعبة

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Edition


Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Edition 1.2 (2009/MULTI2/)-FAM

Year: 2009 | PC Game | Eng Rus | Developer: LucasArts Entertainment | Publisher: Aspyr Media 1C | 9.25 GB
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 3rd Person

The absolute embodiment of evil in the universe of "Star Wars" has always been Darth Vader, but comes into play a new person. A secret disciple of the dark lord is still young, but after the power is unlikely to yield experienced soldiers. Empire instructs his assignment - to kill all the Jedi in the galaxy and destroy their famous Academy. Become the young Darth in the same monster as his mentor, or change its path?

With the latest technology, unique solutions and gripping story, designed by himself took part, George Lucas, the player becomes the hero of alternative history of the universe famed saga.

Secret becomes clear. The plot connects two trilogy, shedding light on events that occurred between the third and fourth episodes of "Star Wars."
The Evil Empire. Secret Apprentice of Darth Vader can change the course of history: he was ordered to burn down the legendary Jedi academy, but no one can predict what will turn this mission.
Stunts. This can not be seen in a film: the protagonist moves objects in the air, striking opponents with lightning, grabs them and throws it on the wall reflects the laser pulses with a lightsaber and use even more powerful and spectacular tricks.
The characters. On stage, there are new characters: Jedi unfamiliar and familiar villains perfectly complement the fantastic picture with your favorite characters.
New episodes. Three additional levels, which is set on a planet of Tatooine and Hoth, as well as in the Jedi Temple.
The effect of presence. With the latest graphics technology outside world looks frighteningly plausible. Any subject is subject to the laws of physics: the tree is lit, the water fills the available space, the plants are broken by blows.

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP SP3 / Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 7
Processor: ntel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz / AMD Athlon X2 5200 +
Graphics card: ATI Radeon HD 2600 / NVIDIA Geforce 8600 256 MB VRAM, DirectX 9.0c compatible with Shader 3.0 support
Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
Free hard drive space: 28 793 MB (for installation - 44 495 MB)
- Not supported operating systems Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT.
- Support for graphics cards based on chips following series:
* ATI RADEON HD 2600, 2900, 3650, 3690, 3850, 3870, 4550, 4650, 4770, 4850, 4870, 4890;
* NVIDIA GEFORCE 8600, 8800, 9400, 9500, 9600, 9800, 250, 260, 275, 280, 285, 295.

Features repack
- Do not clamped, cut only the videos and developers of languages ​​other than Russian
- Repak is based on a license from 1C + installed Russian voice clips from Kinatana
- Installed the 1.2 patch
- Exclusive installer with switchable soundtrack

- The additional software is on disk in a folder Soft. Software does not install itself, if it has something to you to install - you can do it yourself manually
- Installation time ~ 60 minutes
- Start with a shortcut on the desktop and the panel of the "Start"
- The installation requires 1 GB of RAM
- Repak is divided into 3hDVD5
- Author repack - Druid












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