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اللعبة المسلية الرائعة Dungeon Defenders v7.03 بأحدث اصدار ومرفق معها الكراك

اللعبة المسلية الرائعة Dungeon Defenders v7.03 بأحدث اصدار ومرفق معها الكراك Dungeon Defenders v7.03 Update Cracked R

25-10-2011 10:10 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,086
المشاركات : 3,000
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 60
اللعبة المسلية الرائعة Dungeon Defenders v7.03 بأحدث اصدار ومرفق معها الكراك

Dungeon Defenders v7.03 Update Cracked READNFO-THETA


Dungeon Defenders v7.03 Update Cracked READNFO-THETA


Year:2011 | Platform: PC| Type: Update | Language:English | Developer: Trendy Entertainment | Publisher: Reverb Publishing | Size: 92.36MB
Genre: Strategy

وصف اللعبة باللغة الانجليزية
Developed by Trendy Entertainment, Dungeon Defenders throws action-RPG and tower defense gameplay into the proverbial blender to create a seamless mix of leveling, looting and high-action territorial combat for casual and core players alike. Dungeon Defenders features a lovingly-rendered watercolor art style and allows up to 4 players, online or locally, to take one of four distinct classes into fierce battle against ever-increasing waves of baddies and bosses across 15 arenas and multiple modes.

+ The following DLC is included in this update:
- The Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device
- Four Team Fortress 2 Familiars
- Nagi Pet
- Archimedes Pet
- Argo Pet
- Mephisto Pet

- Our releases are always virus-free. If you think you found
something suspicious, its a problem of your security
software. All those antivirus systems will never be too
smart, so dont complain. And always remember that we are
not responsible for modified releases.

- We arent stealing releases. We respect hard work of other
people and always indicate original authors of releases.
We have permissions to use their files.

- We are doing all this for fun and knowledge only. Always
remember to support the developers if you like the product
and its quality.

Update notes:
- Input Configuration now supports Mouse "Thumb" buttons 4 and 5
- Third Person Shooter-style offset Chase Camera for ranged classes, for better aiming
- Fix for a Mission Progression data bug, which could cause an issue with not having levels unlocked that you should have.
- Chat box no longer will close when pressing an alpha-numeric chat button while typing if bound to it
- You are now given the tutorial achievement in Ranked mode, so that you can progress towards Legendary Defender
- Ability Hotkeys 5-0 can now be bound in the Game Config Tool
- More TrendyNet client-side tweaks to further decrease Ranked disconnections
- Issues with Steam Cloud in Local Play should be resolved
- Local data automatic backup system
- Gamepad can now properly control the "Choose Multiplayer Mode" UI
- Improved Monk DPS Ramp

اللعبة مرفق معها الكراك

http://l4me.i nfo/v.php?id=4077

منتديات مدرسة المشاغبين - العاب بي سي Pc Gam جديدة كاملة

look/images/icons/i1.gif اللعبة المسلية الرائعة Dungeon Defenders v7.03 بأحدث اصدار ومرفق معها الكراك
  25-10-2011 11:09 مساءً   [1]
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 21-10-2011
رقم العضوية : 47,259
المشاركات : 11
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
توقيع :mushakiss alfreihat
<font size="5">بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Jordanمشاكش الفريحات 3leahm

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الساعة الآن 08:57 AM