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حصريا وبأنفراد لعبة فيفا 2012 بنسختها الريباك FIFA 12 - RePack وعلى اكثر من سيرفر

حصريا وبأنفراد لعبة فيفا 2012 بنسختها الريباك FIFA 12 - RePack وعلى اكثر من سيرفر FIFA 12 - RePack FIFA 12 2011/Multi12/RePack Year:2011 | PC Game

01-10-2011 10:30 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,086
المشاركات : 3,000
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 60

حصريا وبأنفراد لعبة فيفا 2012 بنسختها الريباك FIFA 12 - RePack وعلى اكثر من سيرفر

FIFA 12 - RePack


FIFA 12 2011/Multi12/RePack

Year:2011 | PC Game | Developer: EA Canada | BPublisher: Electronic Arts | 4.48 GB
Language: English, Russian (text), Czech, German, Spanish (E), Spanish (M), French, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese
Genre: Sport (Soccer) / 3D

About the Game: The foundation of FIFA 12 for PC and consoles has a new software kernel Player Impact Engine, ensuring observance of the actual laws of physics for any interaction of players on the field.

The game provides a variety of realistic options for the outcome of any collision. Now players will be able to live a more natural fight for the ball and will be easier to recuperate after a light collision. FIFA 12 is more realistic and fast, got a new menu system includes more than 500 officially licensed clubs and a new mode Career Mode, created from the stories of real sports.

Features: * Core Player Impact Engine. Makes it possible to respect the game of real laws of physics. Provides a variety of options for the outcome of the collision of players on the field. The fight for the ball became more natural and easier for players to regain strength after minor collisions; * System Pro Player Intelligence. This artificial intelligence system now manages the behavior of players during the match. It gives them an opportunity to make decisions in accordance with their own skills and characteristics with other team members; * System Tactical Defending radically changed its approach to the game on the defensive: it requires the development of tactical operations; * System Precision Dribbling. Allows full control of the match, provides plenty of time to make thoughtful decisions; * The reality of injuries. Kernel Player Impact Engine is capable of real-time tracking of interaction between players, examines the collision force and its effects on the body, which allows to determine realistically the severity of injuries. Now, gamers will have to deal with new types of injuries, as well as to assess the risk of serious injury if a player is sent to the field is not fully healed; * New look. Improved lighting, realistic platform, the new camera position, make the game look like a real broadcast of the match, and every exit on the field - special; * Simplified navigation. With the new menu system, navigation is much faster and easier; * Reliability of the game. In FIFA 12 provides more than 500 licensed clubs and 15,000 players.


Minimum System Requirements:
System: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Intel Pentium D 3,0 GHz or AMD Athlon64 X2 4400 + 2.2 GHz
Memory: 1 GB Windows XP / 2 GB for Windows Vista / 7
Video Card: 256 MB of graphics memory with Shader 4.0
Sound card:compatible with Direct X 9.0c
Hard drive: 7.5 GB

Features RePack:
* Do not cut / no recoded
* Save the original files to run the game (patches, mods, etc)
* Any combination of voice-and text (RUS / ENG)
1. Choose the language interface in the early game (RUS / ENG)
2. Choose the language commentators in the game menu (Game Options - Audio - Language comments)
* Ability to set "FIFA12 Keyboard Patch"
* Install all necessary software (optional)

* For a successful start to the game on the way to save the game there was no Russian letters:
It is not correct - C: Users Bob My Documents FIFA 12
Thats right - C: Users Vasya Documents FIFA 12
* Also in the folder "Documents" should be 1 GB of free space






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