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حمل أقوى العاب الأكشن نسخة كاملة روابط سريعة ومباشرةBattlefield Bad Company 2

حمل أقوى العاب الأكشن نسخة كاملة روابط سريعة ومباشرةBattlefield Bad Company 2 Battlefield Bad Company 2 Battlefield Bad Company 2 (

30-09-2011 12:00 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,086
المشاركات : 3,000
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 60

حمل أقوى العاب الأكشن نسخة كاملة روابط سريعة ومباشرةBattlefield Bad Company 2

Battlefield Bad Company 2







Battlefield Bad Company 2 (Pc/Multi2/RePack by R.G Catalyst)
Year 2010 | PC game | Eng/Rus | Published by: Electronic Arts | Developed by: EA Digital Illusions Creative Ent. | 3.18 Gb
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person Game

In Battlefield: Bad Company 2, the -B- company fight their way through snowy mountaintops, dense jungles and dusty villages. With a heavy arsenal of deadly weapons and a slew of vehicles to aid them, the crew set off on their mission and they are ready to blow up, shoot down, blast through, wipe out and utterly destroy anything that gets in their way.

Game Features
* Hot spots: Eight huge maps for multiplayer battles, each of which presents different types of game environments, implying a variation of tactics and scenarios for achieving victory.
* Military equipment: Fifteen species of terrestrial, marine and aerial combat vehicles, including all-terrain vehicle and a transport helicopter, UH-60. Each machine offers unique advantages in battle.
* Team battle: Two special regime for the game in a team of four people, allowing to receive special awards and achievements.
* Total annihilation: Any object can be destroyed: punching holes in walls, players can create a comfortable firing positions, destroying the building – to deny the enemy cover.
* Its a game: The four character classes (medic, paratrooper, reconnaissance, and engineer), thirteen specialties, more than fifteen thousand options and equipment, and forty-six models of weapons and options for modifications of the two hundred and fifteen kinds of devices – experiment, each player can create his own style of warfare.
* Honors and awards: For the successful fulfillment of tasks and the impact of the fighting players are awarded awards – badges, stars and medals, as well as the assigned rank.
* Expanded Edition: For fans of the series is available with the publication of a number of additional gaming facilities and weapons.

System Requirements
* OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad or higher
* Memory: 2GB
* Hard Drive Space : 10GB
* Graphics: 512 MB Video Card (GeForce GTX 260/ ATI Radeon 4870)
* Sound Hardware : DirectX 9.0c compliant Sound card
* Controller Support: Support for Logitech G15 and G19 keyboard LCDs in multiplayer

Features Repack
* Do not recoded / cut all languages except English and Russian
* Installation time 50 minutes
* RePacked by [R.G Catalyst]

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