السلام عليكم ورحمه الله
عند تصفحي للمواقع الاجنبية وجدت هذا الاسكربت الجميل السهل وهو سكربت رائع عبارة عن تضيف رابط صفحة الفيس بوك وتاتي ناس تعمل علي صفحتك لايك وهكذا
صورة من الاسكربت
ive found a free likesite script on a forum today. its not my product and i didnt check it yet. but the files seem ok.
so you just have to upload the files to your hosting and change some parameters as described in the readme. and you got your own like site.
advertise for something. it has to work good with facebook traffic. something like facemoods.com or work with an app ad network like lifestreetmedia.
now find out a good method to get a couple of thousand users to the site and you got a small self working money machine
عند تصفحي للمواقع الاجنبية وجدت هذا الاسكربت الجميل السهل وهو سكربت رائع عبارة عن تضيف رابط صفحة الفيس بوك وتاتي ناس تعمل علي صفحتك لايك وهكذا
صورة من الاسكربت

ive found a free likesite script on a forum today. its not my product and i didnt check it yet. but the files seem ok.
so you just have to upload the files to your hosting and change some parameters as described in the readme. and you got your own like site.
advertise for something. it has to work good with facebook traffic. something like facemoods.com or work with an app ad network like lifestreetmedia.
now find out a good method to get a couple of thousand users to the site and you got a small self working money machine