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لعبة رجال الاطفاء والانقاذ الرائعه Real Heroes - Firefighter بحجم 790 ميجا فقط

لعبة رجال الاطفاء والانقاذ الرائعه Real Heroes - Firefighter بحجم 790 ميجا فقط Real Heroes - Firefighter 29.04.2011 | English | PC Game | Dev

08-09-2011 04:20 مساءً
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تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,086
المشاركات : 3,000
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قوة السمعة : 60

لعبة رجال الاطفاء والانقاذ الرائعه Real Heroes - Firefighter بحجم 790 ميجا فقط


Real Heroes - Firefighter



29.04.2011 | English | PC Game | Developer: Epicenter Studios | Publisher: Rondomedia | 776 MB
Genre: action / logic / 3D / 1st person

Real Heroes: Firefighter - A new game in which you can be in the shoes of a fire, has recently joined the fire department a huge metropolis. Youll have to beat fire in a set of emergency situations. The main feature of the game technology is a "thinking fire» (Thinking Fire) production Epicenter Studios. With this technology, the fire will appear to the player alive enemy that will not only attack the buildings, people, and most firefighters, but also suddenly change its direction of propagation and intensity of burning, which causes the hero is constantly making adjustments in tactics. The success of a particular mission will depend on the ability of players to correctly use the various tools of fire and the ability to quickly make the right decisions in extreme situations.

Note: game is an official port of the Wii on PC!

Minimum system requirements:

* System: Windows XP / Vista / 7

* Processor: 1 GHz

* Memory: 1 GB

* Video: 128 MB

* Sound: DirectX compatible

* Hard disk: 1 GB







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