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حصريا اللعبة المنتظره Dead Island 2011 repack وبحجم 2.66 جيجا فقط وعلى رابط سريع

حصريا اللعبة المنتظره Dead Island 2011 repack وبحجم 2.66 جيجا فقط وعلى رابط سريع حصريا اللعبة المنتظره الرائعة جدا فقط وحصريا Dead Island 2011/ENG/Re

07-09-2011 07:51 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,086
المشاركات : 3,000
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 60

حصريا اللعبة المنتظره Dead Island 2011 repack وبحجم 2.66 جيجا فقط وعلى رابط سريع

حصريا اللعبة المنتظره الرائعة جدا فقط وحصريا

Dead Island 2011/ENG/Repack by R.G. Repackers


معلومات عن اللعبة

Genre: FPS / Survival Horror
Heroes of the game - the tourists, who had to cope with a sudden attack of the zombies on a tropical resort in Papua - New Guinea. The players have to know the cause of infection and as soon as possible to escape from a dangerous island for their lives. Unlike the heroes of the Left 4 Dead 2, caught in a similar situation in Dead Island will have to fight zombies all means at hand: pipes, brooms, baseball bats, machetes. Get hold of firearms and ammunition will not be easy.
- You will have to live through the horror of the invasion of zombies, running first-person hero.
- Co-op mode for up to 4 players.
- Ability to repair, modify and create weapons out of scrap materials.
- The action takes place on the resort island in the open. Exploration of the world is not limited to the scenario game.
- Ability to develop a character of your choice.
- Horde horrifying zombies.

System requirements:
- Windows XP/Vista/7
- Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz
- 1 GB RAM (rec. 4 GB)
- 512 MB GeForce 8600GT or better (rec 1GB GeForce GTX 460)
- Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
- 7 GB hard drive

صور من اللعبة





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