اللعبة المتميزة Pirates Of The Black Cove
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اقدم لكم
Pirates Of The Black Cove
وصف اللعبة
Thegame takes place in the 16th century you can travel the waters of theCaribbean with his pirate crew and direct the fear and terror toeveryone around. The ultimate goal - to make sure that you call thePirate King (King of All Pirates). The game is created with the conceptof open world which you will be able to travel and seek jobs. You canchoose different captains each of whom will have their own uniqueabilities as well as join one of three factions (Pirates Corsairs and Buccaneers) ...
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
منتديات مدرسة المشاغبين - العاب بي سي Pc Gam جديدة كاملة