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سكربت الرائع ادارة المحتوى CMS pro! v2.10 + شرح تنصيب

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اقدم لكم سكربت الرائع ادارة المحتوى CMS pro! v2.10 + شرح تنصيب CMS Pro! is the most intuitive CMS (Content Managem

14-08-2011 05:52 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 08-07-2007
رقم العضوية : 27
المشاركات : 3,191
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 3,799

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اقدم لكم سكربت الرائع ادارة المحتوى CMS pro! v2.10 + شرح تنصيب
CMS Pro! is the most intuitive CMS (Content Management System) that a web agency can implement for their customers. It’s perfect for small business websites and is really easy to use and to implement.
The value of CMS Pro! is in its intuitiveness. With CMS Pro!, content management becomes as easy as desktop publishing .

The real value to the customer does not come from hundreds of features that they can’t or won’t ever use. Real value comes from making it really simple to use some great power features that get the job done.

That’s exactly what CMS Pro! delivers. CMS Pro! allows small business owners manage their entire site, or change their web site design in seconds.
Some of the features include:

Modular design – Creating a module(side box) takes only few clicks
Dynamic layout – Easy drag and drop of modules(sidebars) for each individual page
Unique page layout – Each page can have up to 4 module positions top/bottom/left/right
Dynamic menu creation – add as many menu items as you like, unlimited menu levels, easy drag.
Multiple posts per page – you can add multiple posts per page.
Dedicated contact and home page.
9 professional modules included jQuery slider, News Slider, Event Manager, jQuery Tabs, Poll, Vertical Menu and Recent Twitts, Rss Feeds
Built in gallery module
Built in commenting system
Powerful file manager
Database backup/restore
SEO Optimized
Membership management
Membership subscription
PayPal and Moneybookers intergated
User permissions
Built in Installation wizard
and many more…
توقيع :امير النور

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