<font size="6"> PALSTINE <font size="5">I could never forget
the flame of your city
Imaging you burning my heart
...Caressing every minute
<font size="5">has fell in love
and my hands have touched you
???Is it the magic of your lake
,or are your eyes and the passion
Many cities I have seen
but no one like your fantasy
The messengers of your history
...try to tell me all your dreams
<font face="Comic Sans MS">...we will come back palestine
اميييييييييين يا رب العالمين.....
دائما منور مواضيعي
ميرسي كتييييير لمشاركتك اخي "صاحب السمو"...
توقيع :sky angel
<font size="6"> PALSTINE <font size="5">I could never forget
the flame of your city
Imaging you burning my heart
...Caressing every minute
<font size="5">has fell in love
and my hands have touched you
???Is it the magic of your lake
,or are your eyes and the passion
Many cities I have seen
but no one like your fantasy
The messengers of your history
...try to tell me all your dreams
<font face="Comic Sans MS">...we will come back palestine
حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل يا ذا الجلال و العزة
االلهم ربنا جل ثناؤك و تقدست اسماؤك
اللهم لا يرد امرك و لا يهزم جندك سبحانك و بحمدك
اللهم عليك باليهود الظالمين
اللهم حرر كل شبر في فلسطين
حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل يا ذا الجلال و العزة
االلهم ربنا جل ثناؤك و تقدست اسماؤك
اللهم لا يرد امرك و لا يهزم جندك سبحانك و بحمدك
اللهم عليك باليهود الظالمين
اللهم حرر كل شبر في فلسطين
مشكورة اختي ......
ميرسي اخي "hashemi 3" على مرورك الذي نور الموضوع...
توقيع :sky angel
<font size="6"> PALSTINE <font size="5">I could never forget
the flame of your city
Imaging you burning my heart
...Caressing every minute
<font size="5">has fell in love
and my hands have touched you
???Is it the magic of your lake
,or are your eyes and the passion
Many cities I have seen
but no one like your fantasy
The messengers of your history
...try to tell me all your dreams
<font face="Comic Sans MS">...we will come back palestine
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة: mannora;1695879الله يرجعلنا بلادنا ويتنقم من اليهود
مدينه رائعه بالفعل
سلمت يداكٍ
امييييين يا رب العالمين...
الله يسلمك اختي على مرورك الرائع...
توقيع :sky angel
<font size="6"> PALSTINE <font size="5">I could never forget
the flame of your city
Imaging you burning my heart
...Caressing every minute
<font size="5">has fell in love
and my hands have touched you
???Is it the magic of your lake
,or are your eyes and the passion
Many cities I have seen
but no one like your fantasy
The messengers of your history
...try to tell me all your dreams
<font face="Comic Sans MS">...we will come back palestine
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة: دانه دودو;1696436 اناس عنجد الصور في حيفا
اه والله بحيفا...مو مصدئة ما هيك
وانا كمان اول ما شفتهم ما صدقت
فوتي عالقوقل وشوفيهم...
توقيع :sky angel
<font size="6"> PALSTINE <font size="5">I could never forget
the flame of your city
Imaging you burning my heart
...Caressing every minute
<font size="5">has fell in love
and my hands have touched you
???Is it the magic of your lake
,or are your eyes and the passion
Many cities I have seen
but no one like your fantasy
The messengers of your history
...try to tell me all your dreams
<font face="Comic Sans MS">...we will come back palestine