Facebook Connect Publisher

Virtual Gifts Application

Super Newsfeed

OpenID Connect plugin

Apps & Widgets


Social Ads

A Subscriber

Friends Inviter

Photo Tagging
Activity Points

Twitter Plugin

Newsfeed (Advanced)

Widgets & Apps

Group-Integration Extension

مثال للنسخة
للتحميل من هنا :
Social_Engine_V_3.15_Supreme_Edition.rar - 7.8 Mb
شرح التنصيب
ارفع ملفات السكربت الى موقعك و هى التى بمجلد Upload
ثم أعطى التصاريح
Set full permissions (CHMOD 777) on the "/cache" directory
Set full permissions (CHMOD 777) on the "/include" directory
Set full permissions (CHMOD 777) on the "/language" directory
Set full permissions (CHMOD 777) on the "/language/indexes" directory
Set full permissions (CHMOD 777) on the "/uploads_user" directory
Set full permissions (CHMOD 777) on the "/uploads_admin" directory
Set full permissions (CHMOD 777) on the "/uploads_admin/ads" directory
Set full permissions (CHMOD 777) on the "/include/smarty/cache" directory
Set full permissions (CHMOD 777) on the "/include/smarty/templates_c" directory
Set full permissions (CHMOD 777) on every file inside the "/templates" directory
و اتبع الرابط التالى
ثم ادخل معلومات قاعدة البيانات وتابع تنصيب الموقع فهو بشبه تنصيب ال vb
عند الانتهاء احدف
install.php" and "installsql.php
و تمتع