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برنامج لإرسال رسائل مجانية للجوال Free SMS

برنامج لإرسال رسائل مجانية للجوال Free SMS برنامج Free SMS برنامج لإرسال رسائل مجانية لاي جوال في العالم Easy to use and afforda

26-05-2011 12:18 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 24-05-2011
رقم العضوية : 45,992
المشاركات : 9
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
برنامج لإرسال رسائل مجانية للجوال Free SMS


برنامج Free SMS برنامج لإرسال رسائل مجانية لاي جوال في العالم

Easy to use and affordable SMS messenger tool is professionally used by different public/private sector organizations for directly communicate with huge no of clients by sending messages related to business meetings, job alerts, marketing campaigns, new schemes, product launch and many more. Integrated mobiles text messaging utility enables you to easily keep in touch with your school/college friends, relatives, family members, colleagues, company partner etc residing at any corner of the world and using any mobile phone network. Bulk SMS transformation software is comprehensive utility which allows users to send large amount of messages to end user and provides latest trend of staying connected to near and dear ones regardless spends money on telephonic calls. Window based Pocket PC to mobile SMS delivering tool widely used by advertising companies for launch their new products or services, updating information, taking regular feedback, approaching new clients, offers discount coupons, entertaining clients with jokes and funny stuff and many more. Features: * SMS sending software facilitates easy and convenient way to broadcast text messages from your computer to other mobile phones via using GSM, CDMA, and Windows based Pocket PC, PDA and smart handsets. * Free Global text messaging getaway tool facilitates user to import phone number either manually or import from computer or mobile phone memory within few seconds. * PC to mobile text messaging application does not require any internet connection to send unlimited SMS at all national and international mobile phones networks. * Wireless SMS marketing software provides great messaging solution to forward massive SMS at very lowest price with successful output.




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