<font size="7"><font face="Courier New">سؤل ابو جهل عن عشائر السلط فسقط مغشيا عليه ، فلما افاق ارتجف بشدة فسالوه لما هذه الرجفة ؟ ، قال انهم اهل حرب لا يخافون ، يمسكون الحر ويبيعونه عبد ، ان عزموا على امر اتموه ، لا يردهم جيش ولا قلة العيش فاجتنبوهم..
حنا السلطية والكل يخشانا وان عجز الكلام فالرشاش يعزف.....لحن ذكرانى
<font size="3">I love the way you smile when I look in your eyes.
I love the way you laugh when I try to be funny.
And how the tears roll down your face when I say no one could ever take your place
The way you touch my lips right after every kiss,
And softly whisper that Im your everything.
The way you pray our love wont die
Every night just before you close your eyes.
<font size="3">I love the way you smile when I look in your eyes.
I love the way you laugh when I try to be funny.
And how the tears roll down your face when I say no one could ever take your place
The way you touch my lips right after every kiss,
And softly whisper that Im your everything.
The way you pray our love wont die
Every night just before you close your eyes.