"PeAcE aNd BleSs!ngs of Allah bE UpOn u"

you t!ll me that you love me but you dont mean !t any more
if you love me why you do that to me I dont know you any more
you come to me when you tired ... and when you sobers you go to her
you kill me in my heart every t!me you see her
but it dont matter because you dont care
from when your heart so dark
and be w!th me l!ke a shark ... tortures me .. k!ll me
and let me w!th my agony alone .. and make me
p!ck my peases w!th my own
you hurt my heart and k!ll it .. you play w!th it and when you
f!n!sh you k!ll it and destroy it
why you shy ... why you cry
why your !nk in my book l!fe was dry
???you always l!e .. that the reason of why
