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Travel to Guilin

Just as Xi’an is a must in your China Travel, so is Guilin Tours. The stunning landscape in which the city is situated has a kind of magic that is all

30-07-2010 12:25 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 20-07-2010
رقم العضوية : 42,009
المشاركات : 0
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
Just as Xi’an is a must in your China Travel, so is Guilin Tours. The stunning landscape in which the city is situated has a kind of magic that is all its own. The strangely shaped hills, or karsts, with the verdant vegetation ranging from bamboo to conifers together with wonderful caves make Guilin such an attraction for touristsAs a centre for tourism, Guilin boasts magnificent natural beauty and many precious cultural relics. The colorful ethnic background lends a touch of mystery that enhances its fame.Traveling to Guilin has many places of interests to viewDepart from your hotel in the morning. Be transferred to the Zhujiang Pier (about 1 hour drive) for a 4.5 hours wonderful cruise. You will enjoy the beautiful mountains, peaceful green fields, farms and villages with water buffalos, cows wondering around on both sides of the river bank. Disembark at the one-thousand-year-old town Yangshuo. After a short exploration to the old town including west street, then drive back to Guilin city. International tourist have the chance of travelling to china’s other places of interests by taking [size=4]Guiling Flights.Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, there is a hotel in Guilin to suit your needs. Guilin Hotels accommodation is of a high standard, with the Sheraton, Holiday Inn or other well known international hotels having excellent conference or meeting facilities. Whichever Guilin hotel you select, you’ll feel at home.

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