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Feel the Tibet Touch, Feel the Holy place

Feel the TibetTouch, Feel the Holy placeTibet is surely a holy destination for visitors during the China Tours, the rolling hills of the high plateau

21-07-2010 12:08 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 20-07-2010
رقم العضوية : 42,009
المشاركات : 0
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
Feel the TibetTouch, Feel the Holy place[/size]Tibet is surely a holy destination for visitors during the China Tours, the rolling hills of the high plateau and the stunning Himalayas are none to any. A travel to Tibet is not a walk in the park, but proper preparation combined with a healthy attitude for the rustic will make any visitor to Tibet fall in love with the place.Traveling to Tibet individually is officially not allowed. Aside from visas for China, travelers to Tibet must also obtain permits from the Tibetan Tourism Bureau. Tibet Travel Permits are easily organized by the travel agencies working on your other travel arrangements for getting to Tibet.By air, there have been opened five China Flights routes. Beijing-Lhasa, Chengdu -Lhasa , Chongqing-Lhasa, Xian-Lhasa, Kathmandu-Lhasa. But only Chengdu flights are the daily service. In the overland, there are several roads to Tibet from Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan of China and Kathmandu from Nepal. The quite accessible way is from Qinghai, Yuanna and Kathmandu. The Chuan-Zhang Highway is too rough to drive.[size=3]The popular time of the year to visit Tibet is May through October. To taste Tibet with its rich cultural heritage, incredibly dramatic landscapes and fascinating political history is a lifetime dream. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any details you might wish to enquire, certainly we can find a solution for any holiday requirement in Tibet.

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