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hi all The actor, who has been out lately with Magan Fox, is continuing to work on his role in The Life and Death of Charlie St. Cloud. A

06-07-2009 01:52 مساءً
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hi all


The actor, who has been out lately with Magan Fox, is continuing to work on his role in The Life and Death of Charlie St. Cloud.

A clean shaved Zac Efron walks out of La Peer Salon with a so fresh, so clean haircuton Thursday afternoon (July 2) in Beverly Hills, Calif. The actor has changed his style for the new movie he is making, and this new cut has to be a lot more comfortable. The 21-year-old actor, in his trademark plaid button-up, had been growing his hair out since promoting his blockbuster comedy, 17 Again.

It seems that the actor had an intimate date with Megan Fox, who said a few months earlier in an interview that she was attracted to Zac and that they had a connection. Zac is set to star in the upcoming drama The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud. He was seen preparing for his role last week, taking a ride on a sailboat.

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look/images/icons/i1.gif ZAC EFRON: A NEW LOOK AND A DATE WITH MEGAN FOX
  06-07-2009 02:15 مساءً   [1]
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تاريخ الإنضمام : 05-03-2009
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