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We Are Americans - Eminem

Theres an intruder in my house He cut my phone-lines cant dial out I scream for police but I doubt Theyre gonna hear me

29-06-2009 01:09 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 04-07-2007
رقم العضوية : 1
المشاركات : 11,324
الدولة : Jordan
الجنس :
تاريخ الميلاد : 10-7-1986
قوة السمعة : 2,147,483,647
موقعي : زيارة موقعي
[Eminem singing]

Theres an intruder
in my house
He cut my phone-lines
cant dial out
I scream for police
but I doubt
Theyre gonna hear me
when I shout


A couple of cocktails will send me to jail
theres a couple of cops hot on my trail
But this time, when I get pulled over
theres a doberman pinscher and a pitbull in the seat
these pigs ll get bit fooling with me
quit fooling with me
Bitch, youre gonna see
No pistol in the seat
why it always gotta be an issue when youre me
and which youre gonna see in the long run
Ima be the wrong one
you wanna harass with this limo tinted glass
flashin that flash-light on my ass where was you at
last night when them assholes
ran up on my grass
rapper slash actor
kiss the crack on my cracker slashed ass
they took away my right to bear arms
what Im posed to fight with bear palms?
yeah right
they coming with bombs, Im comin with flare-guns
We as americans


We as a Americans
Us as a citizen
Gotta protect ourselves
Look at our shit has been
We better check ourselves
Livin up in these streets
Through worse and through better health
Surviving by any means
We as Americans
Us as a citizen
We are samaritans
What do we get us in
We better check ourselves
Look at our shit has been
Take a look where you live
This is America
And we are Americans

Ima make Vuku bucks
wearin Vuku vests
Drama hanging over my head like a voodoo hex
I couldve been next to fly over the cuckoos nest
but you know who
whith an "S" tatooed to my chest
But Ive innested
Now I got the Industry pissy
eversince me and Dre split it fifty-fifty on fifty its funny
We got a buzz spreading quicker than making paper-airplanes out of a twenty
Fuck money I dont rap for dead presidents
Id rather see the president dead
Its never been said
but I said precedents and the standards
and they cant stand it
My name shouldve been bastard
the shit shouldve been plastered
on my forehead with a stamp
I shouldve been blasted
I shouldve been had a cap pulled in my ass
but Im too swift and fast
for that, Im past it
Im too old to go and cruise Gratiot
Fuck that shit
I done seen a fastest rap shit
and turning into some pap-pap shit
that quick
snap click
but this time they got fucking auto-ma-tic
(jamaican) and no one gon test this mon

We as a Americans
Us as a citizen
Gotta protect ourselves
Look at our shit has been
We better check ourselves
Livin up in these streets
Through worse and through better health
Surviving by any means
We as Americans
Us as a citizen
We are samaritans
What do we get us in
We better check ourselves
Look at our shit has been
Take a look where you live
This is America
And we are Americans

I got a secret if you can keep it between us
I tuck two Ninas under my jeans either side of my penis
under my Long Johns
under my Sean Johns
when running with the long arm or the long long gone
Ima do five years no less than that
no questions asked
it might be a good idea to stop right here
and quit while Im ahead
already in the red
already got a steady infrared meant for my head
A target on my back
bigger problems than that
Bin Laden on my ass
he probly gone send a task
I aint gone even ask
they aint gone let me pack
they aint gone gimme my semi but I got my Whizz at

We as a Americans
Us as a citizen
Gotta protect ourselves
Look at our shit has been
We better check ourselves
Livin up in these streets
Through worse and through better health
Surviving by any means
We are Americans
Us as a citizen
We as samaritans
What do we get us in
We better check ourselves
Look at our shit has been
Take a look where you live
This is America
And we are Americans
توقيع :JO1R

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