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MobiFactor:حصريا ، عملاق تشغيل الصوتيات و MP3 الاول بموبايل نوكيا MobiFactor PowerMp3 بمميزات الوينامب بالويندوز مع كود التفعيل لينك التحميل

28-06-2009 10:20 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 21-04-2008
رقم العضوية : 7,034
المشاركات : 2,625
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 1,016,043,739


MobiFactor:حصريا ، عملاق تشغيل الصوتيات و MP3 الاول بموبايل نوكيا MobiFactor PowerMp3 بمميزات الوينامب بالويندوز مع كود التفعيل
لينك التحميل :


look/images/icons/i1.gif MobiFactor
  20-07-2010 04:39 صباحاً   [1]
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 19-07-2010
رقم العضوية : 41,938
المشاركات : 2
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
What the WOW discipline priest lacks in HPS, it makes up for in raid utility. It applies a 3% damage reduction aura to the raid, whenever a discipline priest casts Power Word. It focused on power reduces the cast time of the WOW priests Mass Dispel, there is a high chance you will actually see that dispel be effective metin2 gold. Another signature ability of the discipline tree, it can act as an extra tank cooldown or lifesaver to anyone in the raid who needs it. While it is not fail-safe like holys Guardian Spirit, it has a shorter cooldown, we assuming Guardian Spirit is not glyphed or fully consumed. Finally, Power Infusion is a favorite buff of every caster DPS in your raid. The fact that so many DPS fight over who gets this buff should tell you how valuable it is. When you used on the priest himself, or another healer, it can sometimes stand in for the tank cooldown just by throwing more heals at the target aion level.The WOW Discipline Priests Power, the Shield is considerably stronger than anything a holy priest could special into the equipment. Thats because the deep discipline talent, Borrowed Time, buffs the spells spell power coefficient by an additional 40% wow money.And before we forget to get the WOW gold, lets talk about Rapture. Rapture is greatly overlooked as the raid asset, and it is another talent too deep for holy priests to access it. As the tooltip states, Rapture will return the WOW mana, rage, energy, or runic power to the shielded target when the shield is completely absorbed wow level. The priest who casts the shield also receives additional mana return on cooldown, explained further by this favorite video of mine. If the disc priest is playing raid bubble spam, the beneficial impact of this talent is going to be extensive wow sale.
توقيع :defg225
WOW Gold

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