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برنامج رائع فى كشف ملفات التجسس وحذفها نهائى 2009 بورتابل Spyware Cease 4.0 Portable

برنامج رائع فى كشف ملفات التجسس وحذفها نهائى 2009 بورتابل Spyware Cease 4.0 Portable Spyware Cease 4.0 Portable | Size: 7MB برنامج Adware Spywar

25-06-2009 06:02 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 18-04-2009
رقم العضوية : 33,876
المشاركات : 2,639
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 429,519,021

برنامج رائع فى كشف ملفات التجسس وحذفها نهائى 2009 بورتابل Spyware Cease 4.0 Portable

Spyware Cease 4.0 Portable | Size: 7MB

برنامج Adware Spyware Cease برنامج إزالة برامج التجسس وكشف وإزالة برامج التجسس على جهاز الكمبيوتر. برامج التجسس هي تلك البرامج التي إرسال البيانات الشخصية مثل السلوك التصفح الخاص بك ، وجهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك للنظام ، وتركيب البرمجيات على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك وغيرها الكثير من المعلومات وفقا لطبيعة من برامج التجسس ، لشركاتهم دون موافقتك أو المعرفة


Spyware Cease is the award-winning Windows antispyware program that can be used to effectively protectyour PC against various spyware attacks that can generate unwanted pop-ups,slow down PC performance, or steal your privacy without you knowing it!
Industry-leading hardcore antispyware technology
Spyware Cease™ offers the technology-oriented protection against the latest spyware threats like keyloggers, trojans, adware, malicious ******s tracking, browser hijackers, worms, phishing attacks and other malicious spyware attacks to effectively eliminate the unwanted pop-ups, minimize identities thieves and speed up PC performance. Whats more, Spyware Cease™ enables the real-time guard in the background, which recommends user to take action when any program attempts to the PC registry.
Effectively safeguard your personal information
Spyware Cease™ has the industry-leading antispyware technology for protecting your privacy. It can shield your personal information by effectively removing malicious ******s and erasing your Internet tracks left behind. With Spyware Cease™, you can be ensured that your online activities, such as shopping, banking transactions and Internet surfing, are safe with full confidence!
Enhance computer performance & enrich computer experience
You don’t need annoyed with the PCs poor performance suffered from the spyware attacks any more. Spyware Cease™ can enhance PC performance by identifying and removing spyware programs that eat up PC memory and CPU, as well as conserving PC resources and minimizing interruptions to ensure a stable and sufficient PC performance.
* Comprehensive Scan System
* Real-time Safeguard
* Diagnose System
* Protect Registry
* Protect IE
* Submit Problems via E-mail
* Erase Tracks
* Identity Passwords Thieves
* Keep Networking Sites Safe
* Shield Personal Privacy
* Detect Deceptive Malware
* Block Pop-ups
* Conserve PC Resource
* Check Registry BHO
* Check System Settings
* Check Browsers
* Check System Files
* Frequently Database
* Ignore Uncertain Items
* Customize Scanning
* Auto d
* Enhance PC Performance
* Improve Internet Browsing Safety
* Schedule your scanning and removal time

اختار السيرفر اللي عايزه وحمل
تحميل مباشر و على اكتر من سيرفر








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الساعة الآن 03:06 PM