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pussy Beep

THE PUSSYCAT DOLLS LYRICS "Beep" (feat. Will.I.Am) Ha, ha-ha, ha-ha Ha, ha-ha, ha Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha Ha, ha-ha, ha Its funny

04-11-2007 08:05 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 07-10-2007
رقم العضوية : 1,357
المشاركات : 1,730
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 26,470

(feat. Will.I.Am)

Ha, ha-ha, ha-ha
Ha, ha-ha, ha
Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha
Ha, ha-ha, ha

Its funny how a man only thinks about the...
You got a real big heart, but Im looking at your...
You got real big brains, but Im looking at your...
Girl, there aint no pain in me looking at your...

I dont give a...
Keep looking at my...
Cause it dont mean a thing if youre looking at my...
Im a do my thang while youre playing with your...
Ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha

Every boys the same
Since up in the seventh grade
They been trying to get with me
Trying to (Ha, ha-ha, ha, ha-ha)
They always got a plan
To be my one and only man
Want to hold me with their hands
Want to (Ha, ha-ha, ha, ha-ha)
I keep turning them down
But, they always come around
Asking me to go around
Thats not the way its going down

Cause they only want
Only want my ha, ha-ha
Ha, ha-ha
Only want what they want
But, na, ah-ah
Na, ah-ah

Its funny how a man only thinks about the...
You got a real big heart, but Im looking at your...
You got real big brains, but Im looking at your...
Girl, there aint no pain in me looking at your...

I dont give a...
Keep looking at my...
Cause it dont mean a thing if youre looking at my...
Im a do my thang while youre playing with your...
Ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha

Do you know that no
Dont mean yes, it means no
So just hold up, wait a minute
Let me put my two cents in it
One, just be patient
Dont be rushing
Like youre anxious
And two, youre just too aggressive
Tryin to get your (Ahh)

Do you know that I know?
And I dont want to go there

Only want
Only want my ha, ha-ha
Ha, ha-ha
Only want what they want
But, na, ah-ah
Na, ah-ah

Its funny how a man only thinks about the...
You got a real big heart, but Im looking at your...
You got real big brains, but Im looking at your...
Girl, there aint no pain in me looking at your...

I dont give a...
Keep looking at my...
Cause it dont mean a thing if youre looking at my...
Im a do my thang while youre playing with your...
Ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha

Boomp-boomp, Omp-omp
Boomp, boomp-boomp
Boomp-boomp, Omp-omp
Boomp, boomp-boomp

Ooh, youve got it bad I can tell
You want it bad, but oh well
Dude, what you got for me
Is something I
Something I dont need

Its funny how a man only thinks about the...
You got a real big heart, but Im looking at your...
You got real big brains, but Im looking at your...
Girl, there aint no pain in me looking at your...

I dont give a...
Keep looking at my...
Cause it dont mean a thing if youre looking at my...
Im a do my thang while youre playing with your...
Ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha

Its funny how a man only thinks about the...
You got a real big heart, but Im looking at your...
You got real big brains, but Im looking at your...
Girl, there aint no pain in me looking at your...

I dont give a...
Keep looking at my...
Cause it dont mean a thing if youre looking at my...
Im a do my thang while youre playing with your...
Ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha
توقيع :J-O-R-D-A-N
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