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McAfee Total Protection 2009 Full

McAfee Total Protection 2009 | 102 MB * Enterprise-class Anti-spam--Helps keep your inbox free from unwanted, fraudulent, offensive, and phishing em

01-04-2009 11:36 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 04-07-2007
رقم العضوية : 1
المشاركات : 11,324
الدولة : Jordan
الجنس :
تاريخ الميلاد : 10-7-1986
قوة السمعة : 2,147,483,647
موقعي : زيارة موقعي

McAfee Total Protection 2009 [Full] | 102 MB

* Enterprise-class Anti-spam--Helps keep your inbox free from unwanted, fraudulent, offensive, and phishing emails
* QuickScan--Checks for threats in the areas of your computer that are most often attacked

* Network Monitoring--Alerts you when intruders connect to your home network
* Age Appropriate Searching--Sets the proper content filtering levels of search engines
* Anti-virus/Anti-spyware--Detects, blocks, and removes viruses, spyware, and adware
Protect yourself, your computer, your identity and your family with McAfee Total Protection 2009. With the daily emergence of new and more sophisticated Internet threats that could disrupt your digital life, you need more than a simple anti-virus program. You need McAfee Total Protection 2009 - all-you-need, feature-rich, and simple-to-use security software.

Anti-phishing Alerts you to web sites that may try to steal your identity Identity Protection 2-way Firewall Protection SiteAdvisor Warns about unsafe web sites SecurityCenter A security status screen with fully customizable options SystemGuards Warns when your computer shows specific behaviors that may signal virus, spyware, or hacker activity Stealth Mode Makes your computer invisible to intruders online Shredder Removes any trace of confidential files from your computer Parental Controls Data Backup Protection without Interference Watch movies or play games uninterrupted as McAfee security service intelligently defers tasks, updates, and alerts when youre in full-screen mode Minimum System Requirements Microsoft Windows 2000 (32-bit) with Service Pack 4 (SP4) or higher, XP (32-Bit) with Service Pack 1 (SP1) or higher, Vista (32 or 64-bit) 256 MB RAM or higher 800 X 600 or higher resolution 150 MB of available free drive space Internet connection Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later Optional - Mozilla Firefox 1.5 or later For up to 3 users

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more info : McAfee Total Protection 2009 [Full] | 102 MB
توقيع :JO1R

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McAfee Total Protection 2009 JO1R
4 270 ربيع1982

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