Drown in my heart
Take a picture of
What you think love looks
Like in your imagination
Write in my soul every thing you know
Use every word youd ever heard
To color of my world
Let me drown in your heart a picture
Of me..
To not hate me
To not give away of me
I know your heart is not white nor black
It is red..
Give me a yellow
To draw a shade of me
To tell Im not a shallow!!
I was blue when you call my name
And you have been mistaken
That wasnt my name..
Give me your red heart again
Your soft heart
I feel your fear
I wish to be the one who give them away from you
I hope you never lost your sense of wonder
Never eat to keep this hunger

Let me color your world
Let me make a world for you and meThat we are not gonna leave
In green shiny grass
Colorful flowers in the day
We can sing together
And in the night
Under aglow stars
I am here cant you see me
Cant feel my presents
Give me your heart again please,,
No, I am not going to draw any thing "again"
I know she got all of your heart
No space to draw any thing.
Would give it to me

I want to pump a purple in
I want to give you a hope
To continue your life
And pump a blue and green
To make you relax
You see how much I care?
How about orange ,to feel
To feel free,,
Out of the misery
Hold together
Yes, thats it..
Ill give you ..no never mind
This color for me
This your heart is back
To you safe and young again
Full with life and energy
Bye to you
I think you forget to say "thank you"
But..it is ok
This color is for me

It is pink,,that I didnt gave him
How could i?
When pink is me
My world
With no color except pink
I kept it with me
Because ,I know if he gone
Without a word
He will never come back ..but he still in my p!nkish dreams
When I see as I want him to be and NEED