برنامج Ashampoo® Magical Optimizer 1.22

برنامج Ashampoo Magical Optimizer 1.22 يقوم بتسريع الجهاز بنقرة زر واحدة حيث يقوم بتنظيف أعماق النظام حيث أنه بمرور الوقت يصبح الجهاز مثقلا بملفات الإنترنت الغير ضرورية و المدخلات التالفة و مع مرور الوقت يتدهور أداء الكمبيوتر بشكل ملحوظ .
و بالرغم من عمل هذا البرنامج المعقد فإنه سهل الإستعمال و سريع أيضا ففي بضع دقائق فقط يمكنه إزالة كافة الملفات الراكدة و الغير ضرورية من القرص الصلب و يقوم بحذف أثارك على الإنترنت و ينقب في داخل الريجستري عن التوالف و المخلفات إنه البرنامج الذي يحتاجه كل مستخدم

Clean the whole system: release the brake of your computer with only one mouse click!
It’s a fact!
Over time, all PCs become cluttered with unnecessary Internet files and invalid entries are injected into system registry. If not maintained, computer performance significantly deteriorates over time.
Thankfully, Ashampoo Magical Optimizer can reclaim this lost performance. A single mouse click of the mouse is all that’s needed to begin an onslaught of cleaning – deep within the heart of the PC.
In spite of its complicated work, Ashampoo Magical Optimizer is especially easy to use. In only a few minutes time, Ashampoo Magical Optimizer removes stagnant and unnecessary files from the hard drive, deletes Internet tracks (thereby insuring privacy), and the registry is streamlined by erasing invalid and orphaned entries. Best of all, optimization can be tailored to the preference of every user!
* Lean & smooth tool: Quickly starts, insignificant use of storage capacity only
* Easy to use: only a single click is needed begin cleaning
* Three different cleaning modes:
* Internet Cleaner: wipe out online tracks instantly
* Drive Cleaner: clean hard disc of redundant an unecessary files
* Registry Cleaner: streamline the registry – the central data base of Windows
* Manual start of individual cleaning modules
* Make Backups of deleted files
* Statitistical History: shows which files were deleted and when
* Updates can be downloaded via the Internet
* Multilanguage support
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