برنامج عملاق تستطيع من خلاله أن تبدع برسوماتك سواء كنت محترف أو مبتدىء
حيث يوجد في البرنامج رؤية بصرية جديدة لمعني و مفهوم التصميم و الجرافيكس
يمتلك البرنامج القدرة و الكفائة العالية وبه أكثر من 1500 فرشاة و نماذج تطبيقية
و قوالب جاهزة غاية فى الروعة ، بالإضافة إلي المرونة و السهولة في الأدوات
و الفرش و الفلاتر و تناغم الالوان الطيفيه المبهرة و غيرها الكثير من المميزات الرائعه
اقتبـاس ،، اقتباس:
Changes in version 15.70:
Added - ArtSet Collections - LNA Mtns 101. A big thanks to LNA for his work and contributing it to TwistedBrush!!
Added - Menu item Help > Video Guides.
Added - Mask and Unmask Artist Sketch Pen added to the Art Tools - Masking Tools ArtSet.
Added - Added the "Core" category of brush effects. These brush effects override the core integral brush settings. The effects include: "Cor Dab Spc", "Cor Dab Spc Adj", "Cor Dabit Alpha", "Cor Dabit Size", "Cor Dab Den", "Cor Dabit Den", "Cor Dab Soft", "Cor Color Var", "Cor Dabit Len", "Cor Dabit Len X 100", "Cor Bld Mode", "Cor Bld Pri Clr", "Cor Bld Remix", "Cor Prime Clr".
Added - New brush effects modifiers ArtSet added. Effects - Layers. For adding layer effects to brushes.
Added - Additional brush effect modifiers added to the ArtSet Effects - Shading.
Added - Additional brush effect modifiers added to the ArtSet Effects - Basics for overriding the core texture length.
Improved - Significant reduction (elimination) in delay between brush strokes for brushes that use any Lay* effect. This improvement impacts around 10% of the currently available brushes!!
Improved - The Paste Tool was improved to perform more quickly on large pages.
Improved - The brush modifiers for Mask and Unmask effects have been updated to match how the standard masking brushes work.
Fixed - When using the option to Load Shortcuts from ArtSet now all the shortcut brushes will be mapped to the loaded ArtSet as would be expected.
Fixed - When using the move tool a single click without moving the mouse would result in the undo stack being incorrect.
System Requirements:
Windows 95/98/me/2000/NT/XP/Vista
500mb disk space
512mb RAM (1gb or more recommended)
سيريال البرنامج
اقتبـاس ،، Team ROGUE
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