خداع بصري على شاحنات ألمانية :
رسم على خارج الشاحنة رسومات ثلاثية الأبعاد دقيقة تخدع الأبصار
Here are 7 pictures of semi-trucks. Their trailers are painted to look like the sides are missing and the products they are hauling are painted on the
sides and back
The first painting is one of a bottle that looks like it is coming out the side of the trailer
الصورةَ الأولى قنينة تَبْدو وكانها تَخْرجُ من جانبَ المقطورةِ.
The second is a canvas tote bag.
ّ الثانيةَ كيس تسوق
The third is of Pepsi cases and they are all stacked on the ceiling, and the bottom of the trailer is empty
The fourth is of a truck with the windshield facing the back, and there has been a driver painted in the drivers seat looking back over his shoulder to appear like he is driving backwards
The fifth one is of an aquarium with fish swimming in it
The sixth one is of a bookshelf with books lined up in it,
and a post it note with advertisement
The last one is for Pringles Hot &Spicy. The side of the trailer has the appearance of having been through a fire that has ravaged the trucks interior