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عبّر عن مشاعرك بالانجليزي

_________________ _______________ _____________ angry: غاضب "She was angry with her boss for criticising her work." "H

04-12-2008 12:33 صباحاً
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تاريخ الإنضمام : 26-06-2008
رقم العضوية : 9,571
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angry: غاضب

"She was angry with her boss for criticising her work."

"He made her very angry."

appalled =مصدوم

very shocked: "The staff were appalled to hear that they would all lose their jobs."

ashamed: خجلان

"How could you say such a thing? You should be ashamed of yourself!"

at the end of your tether = متضايق تماما

completely fed up: "The children have been misbehaving all day - Im at the end of my tether."

bewildered = مرتبك

very confused: "He was bewildered by the choice and range of computers in the shop, and didnt know which one to buy."

betrayed = خائن للثقة

when your trust in someone is destroyed by what they do or say: "He betrayed my trust when he repeated my secret to everyone."

confused: ملخبط

"Im sorry I forgot your birthday - I was confused about the dates."

confident = واثق من قدراته

sure of your abilities: "Im confident that we can find a solution to this problem."

cheated = غششت خدعت

when you dont get something that you think you deserve: "Of course I feel cheated - I should have won that competition."

cross = غاضب جدا

quite angry: "I was cross with him for not helping me, as he said he would."

depressed = محبط

very sad: "After he failed his English exam, he was depressed for a week."

delighted = مسرور

very happy: "Im delighted that I got the job. Its just what I always wanted."

down in the dumps = مكتئب

sad and fed up: "Whats the matter with him? Hes so down in the dumps these days."

disappointed: خاب أمله

"She was disappointed by her sons poor results at school."

ecstatic = منتشي

extremely happy: "When he asked her to marry him she was ecstatic."

excited: منفعل

"Im excited by the new opportunities that the internet brings."

emotional = متهيج العاطفة

you have strong feelings (happy or sad) and you cry: "After the operation was over and he knew that he was healthy again, he became quite emotional."

envious = حسود

when you want something that someone else has: "Im very envious of her happiness - I wish I was happy too."

embarrassed = خجلان

slightly ashamed: "I felt so embarrassed about what I said, that my face went bright red."

furious = في غاية الغضب

very angry: "I was furious with him for breaking my favourite vase."

frightened: خائف

"As a child she was frightened by the dark."

great = عظيم

very good: "I feel great today!"

happy: سعيد

"She was happy to hear the good news."

horrified مرعوب

= very shocked: "Im horrified by the amount of violence on television today."

irritated = annoyed: متضايق

"I get so irritated when he changes TV channels without asking me first."

intrigued = متحمس لمعرفة شيئ جديد

being so interested in something you have to find out more: "Im intrigued to hear about your safari in Kenya - you have to show me the photos."

jealous = غيور

envious: "She was jealous of her sisters new toy."

jaded =يشعر بالملل

tired and having no interest: "New employees think this is a great company, but after 10 years here, Ive seen it all and I just feel jaded."

lazy: كسول

"I cant be bothered to do anything today - I feel really lazy!"

lucky: محظوظ

"Im going to play the lottery - I feel lucky today!"

let down يشعر بالخذلان

"You said you would come to the meeting, but when you didnt, I felt really let down."

maternal حنون كالأم

feeling protective and loving, like a mother: "Looking at my sisters new baby made me feel really maternal."

nonplussed مرتبك

so surprised that you dont know what to do next: "I was so nonplussed by his sudden announcement that I couldnt say anything."

negative غير مهتم

when you can only see the disadvantages: "I feel very negative about my job - the hours are too long and the pay is awful."

overwhelmedمغمور بعاطفة جياشة

so much emotion that you dont know what to say or do: "as overwhelmed by the offer of promotion at work."

over the moon = في غاية الإنبساط

delighted: "She was over the moon with her new bicycle and rode it every day for a whole year."

positive ايجابي

opposite of negative - seeing the good side of something: "Shes a very positive person and never lets anything get her down

positive متأكد

very sure: "Are you sure thats what you want? Yes - Im positive."

pensive كثير التأمل= thoughtful: "Youre in a very pensive mood today. Is everything OK?"


"I was completely relaxed after I came back from holiday."

reluctant متردد = when you dont want to do something: "Im reluctant to buy a new car - the one we have is fine."

seething يكتم غضبه

extremely angry, but hiding it: "She was seething after her boss criticised her


"It makes me sad to see all those animals in cages at the zoo."

scared مرعوب

frightened: "Are you scared of heights?"


fantastic, really good: "I feel terrific today!"


ill or tired: "Ive got a blinding headache and I feel terrible."

being worried or anxious about something so you cant relax: "I really stressed at work - I need a break."
"He was stressed out by all the travelling in his job."

tense متوتر الأعصاب

not relaxed: "You look a bit tense. Did you have a bad day at work?"

upset = زعلان
angry or unhappy: "Im sorry youre upset - I didnt mean to be rude."

unhappy = زعلان

sad: "I was unhappy to hear that I hadnt got the job."

victimised = يحس أنه ضحية

to feel you are the victim of someone or something: "My boss kept criticising me and not the others, so I felt quite victimised."

wonderful = رائع

great: "I felt wonderful after such a relaxing weekend


توقيع :miss punk
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  04-12-2008 10:50 صباحاً   [1]
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تاريخ الإنضمام : 17-10-2008
رقم العضوية : 16,901
المشاركات : 2,025
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قوة السمعة : 1,357,877,275
"I was completely relaxed after I came back from holiday."

But because of the lower house every morning asleep

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  06-12-2008 12:59 مساءً   [2]
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 26-06-2008
رقم العضوية : 9,571
المشاركات : 7,415
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 325,432,070
you are welcome sweety
توقيع :miss punk
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  06-12-2008 01:07 مساءً   [3]
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تاريخ الإنضمام : 16-11-2008
رقم العضوية : 18,889
المشاركات : 1,205
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 656,431
happy: سعيد

"She was happy to hear the good news."
توقيع :اربدية كح
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<font size="5">شكرا كتير غريب الروح على التواقيع الروعة ...nAshOomA (33)


عضو بمجموعة يااااااااااااااااي

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  08-12-2008 12:08 صباحاً   [4]
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 26-06-2008
رقم العضوية : 9,571
المشاركات : 7,415
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 325,432,070
انشالله تضلك happy على طول

يسلموو ع الرد
توقيع :miss punk
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  16-12-2008 08:27 صباحاً   [5]
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تاريخ الإنضمام : 18-10-2008
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توقيع :samer_al_rawajefh
<font size="4">l7njo-29342dd649C:%5CDocuments%20and%20Settings%5Cuser%5CDesktop%5  Csamer_aqaba_2008C:%5CDocuments%20and%20Settings%5Cuser%5CDesktop%5  Csamer_aqaba1www.jo1r

يامركب ساري عالعقبه
خذني ووديني عاللعقبه
ع عروس البحر الاحمر
خذني وودييني

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الساعة الآن 04:18 PM