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Adobe Audition 3.0

about: Adobe® Audition® 3 (formerly Cool Edit Pro) software is the all-in-one toolset for professional audio production.. Designed

21-11-2008 10:26 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 04-07-2007
رقم العضوية : 1
المشاركات : 11,324
الدولة : Jordan
الجنس :
تاريخ الميلاد : 10-7-1986
قوة السمعة : 2,147,483,647
موقعي : زيارة موقعي

Adobe® Audition® 3 (formerly Cool Edit Pro) software is the all-in-one toolset for professional audio production.. Designed for demanding audio and video professionals, Adobe Audition offers recording, mixing, editing, mastering, and effects processing capabilities. Its flexible workflow, combined with exceptional ease of use and precise tools, gives you the power to create rich, nuanced audio of the highest possible quality. Whatever you do with audio, Adobe Audition 3 software helps you sound your best. Get professional results in real time with Adobe® Audition® 3.0 software.

Adobe Audition 3 is designed to give audio professionals - sound designers, recording and mastering engineers, and musicians - a flexible production toolkit for recording, mixing, editing, and mastering audio. With comprehensive audio mastering and restoration capabilities, Adobe Audition 3 helps professionals create music and radio spots, as well as restore imperfect recordings with sophisticated editing tools. New features include VSTi virtual instrument support with MIDI piano roll, enhanced spectral editing options, fast fade and crossfade controls, and advanced multi-core support.

New effects include Analog Delay, Convolution Reverb and Tube-modeled Compressor, while the Guitar Suite can add analog-modeled effects to dry guitar tracks. iZotope Radius time stretching allows users to accurately change tempo and pitch independently. Audition 3 additionally offers on-clip fade handles, a dedicated Top/Tail mode in Edit View, automatic crossfades and the ability to edit grouped clips together.

Audition 3 also adds new Adaptive Noise Reduction and multiple phase correction tools. Editing in the Spectral Frequency display is enhanced with the Effects Paintbrush and Spot Healing Brush, similar to the tools found in Adobe Photoshop CS3 software. Also, the addition of the Marquee Tool to the Spectral Pan and Spectral Phase displays lets users visually isolate and edit any sound based on time, frequency, phase or pan location.

Use Adobe Audition 3 to:
* Create your own music
* Record and mix a project
* Produce a radio spot
* Clean up audio for a movie
* Compile and edit a soundtrack

Top features in Adobe Audition 3:
VSTi virtual instrument support
Enjoy support for a wider range of virtual instruments. Simply add a MIDI host track to your mix, choose an instrument, and then record new audio in the Sequencer.

Improved multitrack editing
Save time and increase accuracy by editing grouped clips together. Auto-crossfade clips in multitrack view to quickly mix files together. Click-and-drag fade handles on multitrack clips and in the Edit View for faster editing

Enhanced spectral editing
Make a free-form selection in frequency space with the Effects Paintbrush and apply effects in varying degrees to that selection. Smooth over a selected region to automatically repair clicks, pops, and other noises using the Spot Healing Brush.

Top/Tail Views
Need a quick and easy way to tweak the start and end of a loop or other audio file? The new Top/Tail Views allow you to zoom into the beginning and end of a file so you can quickly add precise fades while keeping the whole file in view.

New effects
Adobe Audition 3 includes new effects such as Convolution Reverb, Analog Delay, Mastering tool, Guitar Suite, and Tube-modeled Compressor.

Superior performance
Get superior performance and take advantage of the new multicore processors. The optimized mix engine allows for more tracks and effects on the same machine, offering more variety and faster processing.



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فك الضغط: pwso
توقيع :JO1R

look/images/icons/i1.gif Adobe Audition 3.0
  21-11-2008 10:34 صباحاً   [1]
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 22-01-2008
رقم العضوية : 4,025
المشاركات : 26,564
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 2,147,483,647
يسلمو عماااااااد
توقيع :.- (• قمر بين البشر•).-
<font size="5">
ليّتَنـــيْ أَسْتَطْيعُ أَنْ أُبْعِدَكَ عَـنْ كُلِّ آلنآس
لنُصْبِحَ أَنآ وَ أَنْت فِيْ عَآلِمٍ آَآآآآخر..لَنآ وَحْدَنآ ...;\

لَآ يَرَآك أَحَد غَيـري..:..
أُعْذُرْنِـيْ عّلىْ أَنـآنِيَتِي لَـكِنِّي
" أَعْـشَقُك "*ـــ^....♥

look/images/icons/i1.gif Adobe Audition 3.0
  29-11-2008 07:32 صباحاً   [2]
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 21-03-2008
رقم العضوية : 6,015
المشاركات : 2,047
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 24,939
توقيع :ehab91
يادولة الاسلام يا فجر الندى*** يا اروع الكلمات ياشمس الهدى
يادولة الفرسان يا كيد العدى ***يادمعة المحراب يا قطر الندى

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look/images/icons/i1.gif Adobe Audition 3.0
  29-11-2008 02:23 مساءً   [3]
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 28-04-2008
رقم العضوية : 7,319
المشاركات : 4,991
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 1,133,026,331
يعطيك العافيه عمدوش
توقيع :ملاك الحب
[رصيف هلوَستيّ ، وَصخب هدوئيَ .. / حينما أكون هناآآ [/u]!~ 7zol</b>

look/images/icons/i1.gif Adobe Audition 3.0
  04-12-2008 10:46 مساءً   [4]
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 21-12-2007
رقم العضوية : 3,041
المشاركات : 8,532
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 517,823,815
توقيع :عيون الحزن

أنا لم ولن أكون لعبة لآمرأة تتحكم فيها الأهواء
أنا من عرفني تصاب نفسه بالغرور والخيلاء

ويكفيه فخراً انه عرفني لذلك يقف لي أنحناء

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المواضيع المتشابهه
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