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Adobe Dreamweaver CS3

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 | 295 mb Quickly and easily design, develop, and maintain websites and web applications — from start to finish — with Adobe

17-10-2008 12:25 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 04-07-2007
رقم العضوية : 1
المشاركات : 11,324
الدولة : Jordan
الجنس :
تاريخ الميلاد : 10-7-1986
قوة السمعة : 2,147,483,647
موقعي : زيارة موقعي
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 | 295 mb

Quickly and easily design, develop, and maintain websites and web applications — from start to finish — with Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS3 software. Built for both designers and developers, Dreamweaver CS3 offers the choice of working in an intuitive visual layout interface or a streamlined coding environment. Intelligent integration with Adobe Photoshop® CS3, Adobe Illustrator® CS3, Adobe Fireworks® CS3, Adobe Flash® CS3 Professional, and Adobe Contribute® CS3 software ensures efficient workflow across your favorite tools. System requirements

  • Intel® Pentium® 4, Intel Centrino®, Intel Xeon®, or Intel Core™ Duo (or compatible) processor
  • Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista™ Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise (certified for 32-bit editions)
  • 512MB of RAM
  • 1GB of available hard-disk space (additional free space required during installation)
After installing, copy the file "Dreamweaver2.exe" inside the Dreamweaver folder and

Download from filefactoy
توقيع :JO1R

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الساعة الآن 02:32 PM