?????HW R U 2DAY
..hope u all great.:face (17):.

Lets admit it, Emma Roberts life is so NOT unfabulous

Her hit TV series is so rocking it out in Nickelodion and with her new movie "Nancy Drew" she is so going to rock out the acting industry as well!=]

show description

Addies a savvy middle schooler whos not so popular and not so fabulous, but she doesnt mind it one bit... (TV Y7)


Addie Singers life isnt particularly fabulous, but she doesnt let it bother her. Being a part of the popular crowd isnt important to Addie. In fact, she thinks cliques are pretty dumb. Addies a smart and funny 7th grader who still likes to act like a kid sometimes. When shes stressed or confused, Addie writes songs and records her own music—but only in the privacy of her own room. It doesnt bother Addie that her songs are less than perfect, and she doesn’t even dream of being a rock star. All she wants to do is get through middle school with as little humiliation as possible!
Emma Roberts



Geena Fabiano is Addies best girlfriend and unlike most teens, shes totally comfortable with who she is and what she looks like. Geenas never satisfied with the shortness of her skirt—that is until she gets a warning from the principal. Then she KNOWS shes got it just right. Geena keeps Addie and their third partner in crime, Zach, from making fools of themselves in public. Or at least she tries to...
Malese Jow



Zach is Addie’s best guy friend. Hes an off-beat kind of guy and hes totally into social issues and causes. Zach even went barefoot to protest the social importance of name brand sneakers. Zach is not all activist all the time, though. Hes actually an athlete and a member of the Rocky Road Middle School basketball team too
Jordan Calloway

Ben Singer is Addies older brother, and theyre total opposites. Hes a popular teenager who gives new meaning to the word hunk. Shes still trying to find her groove at school and in life in general. Ben knows that Addie hasnt had it as easy as he has, and he tries to make her suffer as much as possible with her unfabulousness
Tadhg Kelly

pix 4 da show..


I..hope u like my sub :sweat:

....leave me a comment....
and nobody:whip: gets hurt......:violent014:.
just kidding.....:roll2:..hee.hee.
