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سلسلة افلام وثائقية

BBC Planet Earth Series مقدمة من فريق عمل سلسة "كوكب الارض": يقدم فريق عمل "كوكب الارض" القصة الملحمية للحياة عل

20-08-2008 04:55 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 04-07-2007
رقم العضوية : 1
المشاركات : 11,324
الدولة : Jordan
الجنس :
تاريخ الميلاد : 10-7-1986
قوة السمعة : 2,147,483,647
موقعي : زيارة موقعي
BBC Planet Earth Series


مقدمة من فريق عمل سلسة "كوكب الارض":
يقدم فريق عمل "كوكب الارض" القصة الملحمية للحياة على الارض. انها استمرت اكثر من خمس سنوات من الانتاج والعمل الشاق... اى ما يقرب من 2000 يوما من العمل وبمشاركة اكثر من 40 مصو ر محترف خلال اكثر من 20 موقع مختلف
كل هولاء تعبوا لكى يضعوا بين يديك الصورة النهائية من كوكبنا.
اى تجربة تستطيع ان تدمج مثل هذا العمل النادر ,
أي تجربة تلفزيون مذهلةِ التي تستطيع أن تَدْمجُ مثل هذا العملَ النادرَ، مِقياس مستحيل من التصوير، مواقع مستحيلة ولحظات عميقة بأكثر وحشيةً على كوكبنا المحبوب...رؤية المخلوقات الأفضلِ والأكثر ندرة. مِنْ الجبالِ الأعلى إلى الأنهارِ الأعمقِ، هذه السلسلةِ العظيمِة تَأْخذُك على رحلةِ غير منسيةِ خلال تحدى الفصول والكفاح اليومى من أجل البقاءِ في بيئةِ الأرضِ الأكثر تطرفاً. لقد تم استعمال ميزانية تفوق الحدود فى مثل هذا العمل لم يسبق لها مثيلِ، وباستخدام التصوير الفوتوغرافي والفريد، تقنيات تصوير متطورةِأستخدمت خصيصاً لتصوير مثل هذه السلسلة ، سوف ناخذك الى اماكن لم تراها ولن تراها مرة اخرى.
لقد حصل مجموعة الافلام على ترتيب 9.8/10 فى موقع IMDB العالمى
بداية احب ان اوضح ان عدد الافلام هو 16 فيلم وهم منقسمين الى
4 مجموعات وهم كالاتى:-
المجموعة الاولى:-
من قطب الى قطب Episode 1: From Pole to Pole
الجبال Episode 2: Mountains
الماء العذب Episode 3: Freshwater
الكهوف Episode 4: Caves
الصحراء Episode 5: Deserts

المجموعة الثانية:-
عالم الثليج Episode 6: Ice Worlds
السهول العظيمة Episode 7: Great Plains
الغابات Episode 8: Jungles
البحار الضحلة Episode 9: Shallow Seas
الغابات الاستوائية Episode 10: Seasonal Forests
عمق المحيط Episode 11: Ocean Deep

المجموعة الثالثة:-

هذه المجموعة عبارة عن فيلمين وهم زى ما يسمى عليهم الميكنج بمعنى ازاى الافلام دى اتصورت بياخد كل فيلم وبيوريك اصعب المشاهد اللى فيها ازاى اتصورت وكم التعب اللى بياخدوه المصورين علشان يعملوا مشاهد زى دى مثال على ذلك هتجد فى بعض الافلام المصور بيصور الحوت امامه فى وش الكاميرا ستعرف فى هذين الفيلمين كيف تم تصوير هذا ايضا هناك مشهد لطيور الجنة ظل المصور فى حفرة لمدة اسبوع كامل حتى يستطيع ان يصور مشهد طيور الجنة ايضا هناك مشهد البطاريق درجة الحرارة 40 تحت الصفر هتعرف ازاى هما كانوا بيصورا فى مثل هذه الدرجة ايضا هترى الاسود وهى تهجم على طاقم العمل وايضا الدب اى انك هتعيش فترة فى هذه الفيلمين اكثر من رائعة وصدقونى لو مفيش الفيلمين دول هتقعد تسال نفسك على طول ازاى الافلام دى اتصورت

Episode 12: The diaries 01
Episode 13: The diaries 02

المجموعة الرابعة:-

فى هذه المجموعة سترى جميع العليماء الذين شاركوا فى طاقم العمل وسترى ايضا جميع المصورين ولكن الهدف من هذه المجموعة هوا دور العلما فى المستقبل وهى بعنوان
planet earth The Future
وهى عبارة عن 3 الافم وعنوانهم كالاتى

حفاظ النوع Episode 14: Saving Species
الى البرية Episode 15: IntoThe Wilderness
المعيشة سوية Episode 16: Living Together

The makers of The Blue Planet present the epic story of life on Earth. Five years in production, over 2000 days in the field, using 40 cameramen filming across 200 ********s, this is the ultimate portrait of our planet.

A stunning television experience that combines rare action, unimaginable scale, impossible ********s and intimate moments with our planets best-loved, wildest and most elusive creatures. From the highest mountains to the deepest rivers, this blockbuster series takes you on an unforgettable journey through the challenging seasons and the daily struggle for survival in Earths most extreme habitats. Using a budget of unprecedented proportions, photography and unique, specially developed filming techniques, Planet Earth takes you to places you have never seen before, to experience sights and sounds you may never experience again
Programme 1: From Pole to Pole

The ultimate portrait of our planet looks at the *** factors that shape our natural history. The sun and fresh water dominate the lives of all animals and plants on Earth and trigger seasonal migrations, small and large. In the Arctic spring, a mother polar bear and cubs emerge from their winter den. They have just two weeks to cross the frozen sea before it melts and they become stranded. Share the most intimate and complete picture of polar bear life ever filmed.
For more than three years, time-lapse cameras captured the annual transformation created by the Okavango floods. The latest technology and aerial photography enables us to track some of the greatest mass migrations, following prey and predators on truly epic journeys.

Programme 2: Mountains

Welcome to an extreme landscape of rock, ice and snow. We tour the mightiest mountain ranges, starting with the birth of a mountain at one of the lowest places on Earth and ending at the summit of Everest. Find out how some of the most secretive animals rise to the challenge of mountain life. Share one of Earths rarest phenomena, a lava lake that has been erupting for over 100 years. The same forces built the Simian Mountains where we find troops of gelada baboons nearly a thousand strong. In the Rockies, grizzlies build winter dens inside avalanche-prone slopes and climb the peaks to devour abundant summer moths.
In another world first, the programme brings us astounding images of a snow leopard hunting on the Pakistan peaks.

Programme 3: Freshwater

Fresh water is our most precious resource and it defines the distribution of life on land. Follow the descent of rivers from their mountain sources to the sea. Watch spectacular waterfalls, fly inside the Grand Canyon and explore the wildlife below the ice in the worlds deepest lake.
Witness unique and dramatic moments of animal behaviour: a showdown between smooth-coated otters and mugger crocodiles; deep-diving long tailed macaques; massive flocks of snow geese on the wing and a piranha frenzy in the perilous waters of the worlds largest wetland.

Programme 4: Caves

The Cave of Swallows in Mexico is a 400m vertical shaft, deep enough to engulf the Empire State Building. The Lechuguilla cave system in the USA is 193km long and 500m deep with astonishing crystal formations hanging from its chambers.
Although often overlooked, caves are remarkable habitats with equally bizarre wildlife. Cave angel fish cling to the walls behind cave waterfalls with microscopic hooks on their flattened fins. Cave swiftlets navigate by echo-******** and build nests out of saliva. The Texas cave salamander has neither eyes nor pigment. Unique access to a hidden world of stalactites, stalagmites, snotites and troglodytes brings a wealth of surprises.

Programme 5: Deserts

Around 30% of the lands surface is desert, the most varied of our ecosystems despite the lack of rain. Unravel the secrets of desert survival and experience the ephemeral nature of this dynamic environment. Watch Saharan sandstorms nearly a mile high and desert rivers that run for a single day. In the Gobi Desert, rare Bactrian camels get moisture from the snow. In the Atacama, guanacos survive by licking dew off cactus spines. In the USA, the brief blooming of Death Valley triggers a plague of locusts 65km wide and 160km long. A unique aerial voyage over the Namibian desert reveals elephants on a long trek for food and desert lions searching for wandering oryx.

The makers of The Blue Planet present the epic story of life on Eart
Five years in production, over 2000 days in the field, using 40 cameramen filming across 200 ********s, this is the ultimate portrait of our planet.
A stunning television experience that combines rare action, unimaginable scale, impossible ********s and intimate moments with our planets best-loved, wildest and most elusive creatures. From the highest mountains to the deepest rivers, this blockbuster series takes you on an unforgettable journey through the challenging seasons and the daily struggle for survival in Earths most extreme habitats.
Using a budget of unprecedented proportions, photography and unique, specially developed filming techniques, Planet Earth takes you to places you have never seen before, to experience sights and sounds you may never experience again
Episode 6: Ice Worlds


The Arctic and Antarctic experience the most extreme seasons on Earth. Time-lapse cameras watch a colony of emperor penguins, transforming them into a singleorganism. The film reveals new science about the dynamics of emperor penguin behaviour.
In the north, unique aerial images show a polar bear swimming more than 100km.
Diving for up to two minutes at a time. The exhausted polar bear later attacks a
herd of walrus in a true clash of the Titans.

Episode 7: Great Plains

After filming for three years, Planet Earth finally captures the shy Mongolian gazelle. Only a handful of people have witnessed its annual migration. Dont miss the bizarre-looking Tibetan fox, captured on film for the first time.
Over six weeks the team follow a pride of 30 lions as they attempt to hunt elephants. Using the latest night vision equipment, the crew film the chaotic battles that ensue at close quarters.

Episode 8: Jungles

Jungles cover roughly three per cent of our planet yet contain 50 per cent of the worlds species. High-definition cameras enable unprecedented views of animals living on the dark jungle floor
In the Ngogo forest the largest chimpanzee group in the world defends its territory from neighbouring groups. Other jungle specialists include parasitic fungi which infiltrate an insect host, feed on it, and then burst out of its body.

Episode 9: Shallow Seas

A humpback whale mother and calf embark on an epic journey from tropical coral paradises to storm ravaged polar seas.
Newly discovered coral reefs in Indonesia reveal head-butting pygmy seahorses, flashing electric clams and bands of sea kraits, 30-strong, which hunt in packs. Elsewhere plagues of sea urchins fell forests of giant kelp. Huge bull fur seals attack king penguins, who despite their weight disadvantage, put up a spirited defence.

Episode 10: Seasonal Forests

The Taiga forest, on the edge of the Arctic, is a silent world of stunted conifers. The trees may be small but filming from the air reveals its true scale. A third of all trees on Earth grow here and during the short summer they produce enough oxygen to change the atmosphere.

Episode 11: Ocean Deep

Life goes to extraordinary lengths to survive this immense realm. A 30 tonne whale shark gorges on a school of fish and the unique overhead heli-gimbal camera reveals common dolphins rocketing at more than 30km an hour.
Descending into the abyss, deep sea octopus fly with wings and vampire squid use bioluminescence to create an extraordinary colour display. The first ever time-lapse footage taken from 2,000m down captures eels, crabs and giant isopods eating a carcass, completely consuming it within three hours.


A companion series tothe series planet Earth, this ********ary looks at what the future may hold for endangered animals, habitats and - ultimately - ourselves. Following the environmental issues raised by the groundbreaking series, it asks why so many species are threatened and how can they be protected in the future.

الحمدلله اليوم اكتمل تحميل كامل السلسله العلميه بدقة HD
وعددها 11 حلقه
وبلغ حجمها الاجمالي مع ملفات الترجمه 23.6 جيجا
وكان حجم الحلقه الواحده تقريبا 2.14

ملفات الترجمه ايضا موجوده بالكامل ( بدون دمج )

توقيع :JO1R

look/images/icons/i1.gif سلسلة افلام وثائقية
  29-08-2008 07:58 مساءً   [1]
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 21-03-2008
رقم العضوية : 6,015
المشاركات : 2,047
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 24,939
توقيع :ehab91
يادولة الاسلام يا فجر الندى*** يا اروع الكلمات ياشمس الهدى
يادولة الفرسان يا كيد العدى ***يادمعة المحراب يا قطر الندى

<embed src="http://www.tvquran.com/flash/TvQuran.com_10.swf" width=400 height=300 quality="high" loop="false" menu="false" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" AllowScriptAccess="never" nojava="true"></embed>

look/images/icons/i1.gif سلسلة افلام وثائقية
  11-05-2009 12:58 صباحاً   [2]
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 03-05-2009
رقم العضوية : 35,520
المشاركات : 7
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
السلسله رائعه

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الساعة الآن 03:57 AM