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جديد Google Play Store Mod v4.8.20 Patched + Installer v1.1.2

جديد Google Play Store Mod v4.8.20 Patched + Installer v1.1.2

16-06-2014 06:57 مساءً
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Google Play Store

النسخة المكركة

تحتاج روت

Google Play Store Mod
v4.8.20 Patched


معنى Google Play المكرك يفيدك في تنصيب برامج مدفوعة ما مشتريها من Google Play يعني محملها من مواقع مختلفة حتى Google Play ما يكشفها و يوقفها مثلا كيبورد a.i.type هذا النسخة المدفوعة لما تنصبها رح Google Play يكشفك و يوقف الكيبورد فيجي دور Google Play المهكر هنا اGoogle Play Store Mod Patched المهكر ما يوقفها

What’s in this version:

1.Can use app protected with Google LVL (License Verification Library) without cracking
2.Verify license in offline mode
3.No need to patch with Lucky patcher any more
4.Can NOT download paid apps for FREE!
5.Disable self update
6.Not works with Billing and License Verification to Proxy
7.Button ‘Refund’ reworked! (When you press ‘Refund’ button, it refunds and does not uninstall the app. No need to make a backup before refund

Instructions for Google Play Store Patched:

1.Install latest Lucky Patcher
2.Run Lucky Patcher > Menu > Select ‘Patch to Android’
3.Select √ ‘Signature Verify always True’ and ‘Disable Zip Signature Verify’ > Apply > Yes
4.After reboot go to ‘Patch to Android’ and check (Patch applied). If applied exit from Lucky patcher. otherwise do 3rd step again.
5.Backup current Google play with Titanium backup if you want to restore original version in case.
6.Rename downloaded ‘GoogleMarket.by.Chelpus.TrueLicenseMod. apk’ and transfer to sd card.
GingerBread users > rename to ‘Vending.apk’
ICS / Jelly Bean users > rename to ‘PhoneSky.apk’
7.Open Root Explorer and copy/replace renamed apk to ‘/system/app/’ folder
8.Set permissions rw-r–r– and Reboot
9.Done. All Apps on Device with LVL is licensed. (Tested to GoldenDict, PowerAmp and other

Instructions for Google Play Store Installer:

- Install, Run and Reboot

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