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In eight

= lose weight is a way of life.When you have this way of life time, how to arrange the 1 day diet?Come and have a look of the latest fitness research

10-02-2013 01:31 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 26-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,371
المشاركات : 2,267
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
= lose weight is a way of life.When you have this way of life time, how to arrange the 1 day diet?Come and have a look of the latest fitness research scientists Chaussures ed hardy, apply them to your every day life, you can let your weight this thing, become and eat and sleep as natural, simple.n, n nnnnnnnnnn n before breakfast coffee n American Nashville Vanderbilt University study found that, in 30 minutes before breakfast drink a cup of coffee can effectively control the appetite, so you only eat the intake of 75% will feel full Sacs Paul Smith Mini, and can also be a fat burning speed 5%!Thanks to the coffee in a heat generating material xanthine, it also can provide your body with enough heat.n two, n nnnnnnnnnn n breakfast calcium supplement n daily intake of 600 mg doses of calcium (breakfast and lunch each 300 mg) can help your body to accelerate fat consumption.The scientists in the study found that, in this way the mealtime female, than does ingestion of calcareous female multiple is subtracted from the 22% body weight, fat minus 61%, minus the 81% abdominal fat!n three, toilet before drinking a glass of plum juice n nnnnnnnnnn n n plum flowers form in rich - in that phytochemicals can help the body effectively discharged fat and toxin.Drink a cup of plum juice, your bodys "clean" program can greatly accelerate the liver, also can you in the body that may cause obesity material quickly and thoroughly discharged in vitro.n four, n nnnnnnnnnn n n drink more water if you want this week lost 2 kg of body weight, much water you drink with your weight relationship.Nutrition experts advise, per kilogram of body weight you have to drink 31.3 ml of water (for example, 50 kg in weight in females) Cocktail Dresses, every day should drink 1.565 litres of water).Water is part of body metabolism of automatic temperature regulator, once the water intake is insufficient, the body temperature will drop, the body begins to depend on fat.n five, between breakfast and lunch to eat peanut n nnnnnnnnnn n n scientists discovered in an investigation, eating peanuts dieters lose weight are those who do not eat peanut 2 times!Studies show that, if every day to eat a handful of peanuts, caloric intake can reduce 333 card.n six, n nnnnnnnnnn n noon eat food fermentation n researchers found, eat fermented foods, such as bread, sandwiches are less likely to feel hungry, eat common food at least more than adhere to more than 1 hours.This is because the food is in the process of fermentation, starch and sugars were decomposed into not easily digestible ingredients, digestive system needs more time to digest it, you will not be easy to feel hungry.n seven Robes de Cocktail, afternoon n nnnnnnnnnn n n tablespoons of honey and honey in the credit after 20 minutes will be your blood sugar to normal levels, and the normal state remained stable for 2 hours, lower your hunger, and soothe your mood, let you be happy.In eight, n in Oolong tea to relax n nnnnnnnnnn n n drinking oolong tea habit will let you the new supersedes the old. System work faster, it will let the body heat of combustion is increased by 3%, fat consumption increased by 10%. http://kittycaca.com/forum/viewthrea...3920689&extra=

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